KoW Itepixcauh Army Blog

Discussion in 'Salamanders Army Lists' started by Itepixcauh, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    So at the end I ended in fourth place, not bad I believe. On the top three were two Abyssals (my lasr two opponents) and an Elven player so basically all the cheese and all the armies with lots of flying units.

    I never got to play against the Elf player due to schedule problems on his part and we both ended with no points that round, which was harsh, if I managed a victory against him and played better against the first Abyssal player I would have been in the top three for sure, so I'm really happy.

    The army performed really well and I definitely got the hang on it. It feels 'sharp' and that's great.

    Regarding the list I've made some changes since the last game. Current list is as follows (1500):

    - Horde of Fire Elementals with Nimble
    - Horde of Fire Elementals
    - Horde of Ghekkotah Warriors with Hammer of Measured Force
    - Horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs with Blood of the Old King
    - Lekelidon
    - Mage-Priest with Surge and Inspiring
    - Ghekkotah Skylord
    - Battle-Captain with Wings
    - Mounted Herald with Banner of the Griffin

    So two new additions, the amazing Horde of Ghekkotah Warriors with 40 attacks thanks to the errata and a Battle-Captain with Wings.

    To make space for the new units I took out a Lekelidon and the Kaisenor Lancers. It was a hard choice but another flying hero, individual this time with CS2 is amazing, and I felt the need for a big block of Infantry too often to ignore it, the Lancers are amazing but they die or get wavered too easily and I need resilience over raw damage most of the time.

    Another Battle Report is on the way, the first one for the new league, so stay tuned for more!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    First Battle report of the new season is up and running!

    Just click HERE to read it.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Finally I got to write the last Battle Report for my Salamanders!

    Check it out HERE

    Also I have the results of the league so far, only showing the top 10:

    1 - ME!!! 36 VPs
    2 - Abyssals 36 VPs
    3 - FoN 29 VPs
    4 - Rhordia 23 VPs
    5 - KoM 22 VPs
    6 - KoM 22 VPs
    7 - Elves 18 VPs
    8 - Ogres 18 VPs
    9 - Herd 15 VPs
    10 - Goblins 11 VPs

    So I'm first but not by much, just the kill points we use as tie breakers keep me on the top, the Abyssal player sitting at the top with me is the one I lost too in the past league, you can read the battle report HERE, so I'm really hoping for a revenge match-up against him.

    Next game is Ogres, will keep you informed!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Look at my new toys! so awesome!

  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    They are cool, any other colours available, are they available?
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  6. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    They are made by a friend of mine and colours available depends on what he has as the time. But usually yes he has more colours.

    I can talk to him but pretty sure he can make more.
    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    If you would please ;)
  8. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    i would be very interested in some of these as well.
  9. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Well I'm playing against Ogres in a couple of minutes, basically I ended up with this list:

    - 2 Hordes of Fire Elementals one with Nimble
    - Horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs with Haste
    - Regiment of Kaisenor Lancers with Courage
    - Lekelidon
    - Mage-Priest with Surge and Inspiring
    - Mounted Herald
    - Battle-Captain with Wings
    - Skylord with Blade of the Beast Slayer

    Things I was sure about is Skylord with Blade, having CS 2 against his whole army is fun! Needed a fast contingent to go for any Shooters or Boomers and a solid core.

    My only doubt is taking two Lekelidons or the list I took, we'll see

    Wish me luck!
    Warden likes this.
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    X-Wing manoeuvre dials! In a Lizardman colour scheme!
    Warden and Itepixcauh like this.
  11. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I finally got around to write my Battle against the Ogres, you can read it HERE

    My army worked like a charm, loved it but my luck in key rolls and my opponents extremely good rolls sentenced the game. Sometimes you just can't beat the dice.

    More soon! I'm writing right now the next report.
  12. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    As promised I deliver yet another Battle Report!!

    Just click HERE!
  13. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Well with all my Battle Reports up to date I can continue with the League results. Here are the current standings:


    As you can see the top of the board is EXTREMELY compact and very, very balanced. It just shows how good KoW is in terms of army balance.

    Next game is againts one of the Undead players, I'm confident on winning that game as I know the player really well. Then I'm facing Goblins which to be honest scare the crap out of me as they are the Rock to my Scissors and I'm not really sure I can navigate the sea of bodies without loosing all my units in the process.

    Las game of the first Round will be againts the KoM player sitting just above me, and I'm REALLY looking forward to face him, he is an amazing guy and IF I beat him I have a good chance of ending the round in first place.

    After those games the League turns into a Single Elimination Tournament, which is a very interesting idea actually. We are as of now divided into two groups of 7, The two top players of each group will face in a Semi-Final and the winner of each group will fight each other in a big Final. The rest of the payers will do the same to determine the rest of the standings so each player will play two more games for a total of 9 battles.

    As of right now the two top players of my group are The Abyssal player and myself so if everything keeps going well I will be at least fighting for a place in the final against him. Also very excited to face him again (check the last time I played him HERE) so I'm DYING for a chance to kick his ass.

    See you soon!
    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  14. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    So, the Undead game went really well and you can read the Report HERE.

    The general board hasn't really changed a bit, I'm still third and happy to be there and as other players in the top 4 won, we are all still in the same positions.

    Next game is against Goblins, 2000 points as well and I'm scared. We are playing ELIMINATE thoug so his massive shooting and US are not a real problem. Here is my list:


    I've modified the list I took against Undead a bit, mainly to add in staying power in the shape of TWO Mage-Priests with Martyr's Prayer. I had to take out the Herald and a Lekelidon.

    I will miss my second Lekelidon for sure but I do think that compact block supportted by Heal (14) can be a very effective grinding machine.

    Battle plan is as follows:

    - Rhinosaurs combined with Tyrants and Fire Elementals will be my Central Core supportted by the Two Mage-Priests. They can take almost ANY charge and survive, then be healed and hit back with devastating effects. They will take and Hold the Center.

    - Kaisenor Lancers and Ghekkotah Warriors will be my Glass Cannons, their objective is to kill his Legions or Eliminate objectives, do as much damage as possible and not caring to much if they die.

    - Skyraiders and Skylord will be hunting down his shooting. Lekelidon will target Warmachines mainly.

    - Battle-Captain will hunt his Wiz or Warmachines.

    Warden likes this.
  15. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Game against Goblins went well, check it out HERE.

    Next game will take a while as my next opponent has a life and wants to go on vacation, so we will play once he comes back. BORING!

    Joking aside he is an extremely hard opponent, sitting right above me until now on the board and is eager to get his revenge from our last game. Coming next Kingdoms of Men against Salamanders!! and we are fighting for a podium!
    Warden likes this.
  16. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    A very exciting update to our local league!

    Due to my very decisive victory over the Goblins I'm actually second and extremely close to the leader! Only one VP between us!

    Next game I will be fighting the player in fourth place and his Kingdoms of Men army. Extremely talented player and a very nice guy so expect a really special and close battle report BUT before that I have something VERY SPECIAL coming:


    I'm organising my first Kings of War tournament !!! I will also be taking part too, probably a 12 or 14 players event, 1500 points.

    A great opportunity to test the list I want to take to the game against the KoM player in the league. It will be this one:

    - Horde of Fire Elementals with Nimble
    - Horde of Tyrants with Staying Stone
    - Horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs with Aegis of the Elohi
    - Horde of Ghekkotah Skyraiders with Jar
    - Lekelidon
    - Mage-Priest with Martyr's Prayer, Surge and Inspiring
    - Mounted Battle-Captain
    - Skylord with Blade of the Beast Slayer

    A Tournament Report will be ready next week!! Wish me luck!
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  17. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Glad to hear you are organizing a tournament!
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  18. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    We actually organised last year what is was going to be the biggest Deadzone tournament in the world, but sadly due to two drops in the last minute we had to share the first place with Mantic HQ and Adepticon. This year though we are going for the win, even if I have to kidnap random people on the streets.

    For kings of War we have a very funny system, we play a tournament every 2 or 3 months and the winner has to organise the next one.
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  19. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Two new Battle Reports are added!

    First is the last game of the league format games.

    19. Kingdoms of Men - Push 1500 points

    The local league is coming to an end, and the SALAMANDERS ARE ON THE TOP! The league now turns into a play-off style for the last two games, so we were divided into two groups at the start of the league and the top two players of those groups will now have to play a semifinal and the winners face in a big Final.

    Clasificación Mayo.jpg

    As I've said I ended first on the table, both in attrition AND Victory points and I'm now facing my arch-nemesis, the Abyssal player that is currently undefeated in the league and that I lost to in the last tournament and thus ending second. This game for me was THE FINAL, I don't really cared what happens after if I win, but beating this player was very important to me, you can read that battle report in the link below.

    20. Abyssals - Control 1500 points

    That Victory meant a lot to me, and I will now face Legue of Rhordia in the big FINAL!

    More news soon!
    Warden, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  20. ChrisStein
    Jungle Swarm

    ChrisStein New Member

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    Sorry to necro this, how do you get nimble for your fire elementals and inspiring for your mage. Bit of a part time gamer here...

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