Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Army Alignment

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 25, 2019.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Just a bit of fun.

    How would you align the various armies in WFB based on the following template...

    For reference, the complete list of WFB armies are as follows...
    • Beastmen
    • Bretonnia
    • Chaos Dwarfs
    • Daemons of Chaos
    • Dark Elves
    • Dwarfs
    • Empire
    • High Elves
    • Lizardmen
    • Ogre Kingdoms
    • Orcs & Goblins
    • Skaven
    • Tomb Kings
    • Vampire Counts
    • Warriors of Chaos
    • Wood Elves

    Of course, as there are only 9 alignment spots and 16 armies, you'll have to leave a few armies out. Focus on the army as a whole, not individual units or sub-factions in the army.

    To get us started, here is my list:

    For Chaotic Evil I was really contemplating Daemons of Chaos, but the inclusion of Tzeentch makes me feel that Orcs are a better fit. Chaotic Good and Neutral Good were also a bit tricky.

    So what is your list? And why?
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Here's mine:
    Warhammer Alignments.PNG
    Really interesting you portrayed Dwarfs as Lawful Good, and High Elves as Neutral Good, although personally I would have swapped them over, as High Elves do more to work behind the scenes for the greater good of the whole world, such as the Great Vortex.

    Tomb Kings I placed as Lawful Neutral because although they are hostile towards all races that dare to steal their treasures, like Lizardmen they want to preserve the order that they built as human Nehekhara, and especially hate Nagash's guts for his betrayal.

    Ogres on the other hand don't care about that, and indeed they don't care who they fight for as long as they get fed as payment, so they had to be True Neutral.

    Orcs are similar in that they don't really care who they bash, as long as they bash someone, but are more aggressive particularly towards their old enemies humans and Dwarfs than many the other factions, so I placed them in Chaotic Neutral.

    Chaos Dwarfs I agree with you on, they are cruel and heartless industrialists, but I imagine that they retain some of the old Dwarf sense of honour and loyalty, and they also like to make stuff rather than destroy it.

    Dark Elves I thought are a lot more evil than Greenskins, and indeed personally I think they probably THE most evil faction in Warhammer because of how treacherous, sadistic and ruthless they are, indeed the perfect foil to their noble cousins.
    Scalenex and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think the main reason why you disagree with each other might be the definitions of the categories.

    You seem to use the definitions by D&D, while @NIGHTBRINGER doesn't.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I looked up the definitions since our last conversation and tried to use them...

    FireShot Capture 053 - Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons).png
    I couldn't place dwarfs in the Neutral Good category because of the definition above, of which the most important is... "without regard for or against lawful precepts such as rules or tradition.". That feels very anti-Dwarf for me.

    I agree that Dark Elves are likely the most "evil" of the factions. However, they aren't as chaotic in my eyes as Orcs. They still have plans and ulterior motives. Also, they are able to work together (as opposed to Orcs who are constantly in-fighting). This line played a major factor in my decision: "Chaotic evil characters do not work well in groups because they resent being given orders and do not usually behave themselves unless there is no alternative."
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think the important thing here is:
    The system does not work very well for societies, it is made for single characters.
    A society of chaotic (evil, good, neutral) people is very hard to achieve. Probably only works with CG because those might try to help each other, but in that case it comes from the G not the C.

    That being said: if we look at the factions as if they were persons, and ignore the structures within their societies then we can make it work.

    That's why for me the Dwarves might not qualify as LG, because (AFAIK, I hardly know the old world) they don't seem to be very altruistic, while High Elves are.

    Orcs are hard to judge. I cannot tell if they are CG or if they are CN.

    I would definitely put the Tomb Kings to Lawful Neutral, because they are very ordered, and believe in hierarchies. They are not treacherous and not expansive. They are not altruistic or opportunistic.

    Lizardmen are hard. I tend to call them quite lawful, and they seem to be fighting for the greater good, but they are ready to kill everyone standing in the way without any respect for life. That's more LN than LG although they tend toward the good I think. Just on a larger scale. (Lol, pun was not intended).

    I wonder why you both didn't put Skaven to CE. They are the most treacherous and opportunistic faction, aren't they? Even Dark Elves have some kind of honor in their relations toward others, don't they?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Agreed. The language the descriptions were clearly aimed at characters.

    Still, it was just a bit of fun. We could always make one for Warhammer characters!

    I placed Skaven into Neutral Evil because of the following descriptors of the category...

    "typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals"

    "A neutral evil character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves."

    Skaven are the ultimate backstabbers when it comes to furthering their position in society. Also, they typically only fight/kill to further their status and not for the sake of fighting itself (why put yourself at risk when there is nothing to be gained). Those two factors seemed to be perfectly in line with the descriptors I quoted above.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good points.
    I admit that I am a bit fuzzy in the details of the system myself, it has been a few years.

    I once had some great article by Gary Gygax (or maybe some other D&D designer) that went into more detail than the very short version Wikipedia has. I'll see if I can find it.

    This is indeed fun!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    So @Aginor , are you going to post an alignment chart?
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I am not sure if I can, as I don't know the Old World that well, so I would probably be wildly off.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Fair enough... but I doubt any of us are on point.

    Make one for AoS then, I'd be interested to see that too.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Have you put any thought into my suggestion to make an AoS alignment chart?
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Not yet. I have been busy thinking about other stuff. But thanks for the reminder, I still intend to at least make a list.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I look forward to it! :)
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok here we go.
    I found myself struggling a bit more with this than I had thought.
    One reason is the one stated above: those categories are made for individuals. By D&D standards there can't be armies of CE individuals for example.
    The other reason is that I am in fact not very knowledgeable about AoS lore either, so for some factions I don't really know and might misjudge them.
    Anyway, let's start. I made a list because creating graphics on my phone is a pain in the behind. :D

    LG: Seraphon might actually apply.
    They don't usually interfere, but when they do they do so out of altruistic reasons. They are very ordered, and pretty reliable.
    That being said: they could fit LN, too.

    LN: maybe Stormcast Eternals.
    They are very ordered, and they adhere their rules, but _only_ their rules. They are seen as the good guys, but many of them aren't. They do pretty good things, and very evil things, because they see them as justified.

    LE: Kharadron Overlords.
    This is one of the easier ones because they are greedy traders. They would do almost anything to satisfy their needs, and they don't care with whom they trade. They seem to strictly adhere to their rules and laws though, and they do have an ordered structure in their society.

    NG: Cities of Sigmar
    NG is one of the more common alignments. Many people might be selfish enough to be NE, but many are altruistic enough to qualify as NG. As a whole I think the Cities of Sigmar, a conglomerate of species that tries to help each other survive in a brutal world but don't necessarily adhere to all the rules, should fit NG.

    NN: Sylvaneth
    They fight Chaos. But they also fight everyone else who gets into their way. They rarely attack though, except in great need. They don't care much for the others. They sometimes act altruistic but they also have very evil beings within their ranks (Spite Revenants for example). As a force of nature I would call them true neutral.

    NE: Legions of Nagash
    Tough. Traditionally Liches and the like are CE, they care only for themselves. And that might be true for Nagash, because all the other undead are just tools for him. However as a whole I would call them Neutral Evil. Think of all the living practitioners of Death magic, all the Vampires and Necromancers and Ossiarch dudes, they form armies and have ordered structures. Judging by the Malign Portent stories I'd even I'd even say that some of them have altruistic feelings. That's just not chaotic enough for CE. They want to rule the world, and their main goal is to have Death rule, and fight the living (maybe even kill everyone but that's not 100% clear I think. Death stuff without living souls doesn't work well does it? That's clearly evil, but not chaotic. They are not exactly super reliable though so that speaks against LE. Although some characters probably are.

    CG: none. Some Sylvaneth subfaction could fit though.
    If the Sylvaneth didn't have the ridiculously evil stuff I'd probably put them here. But they lack the good amount of altruism they would need to be called good I think.

    CN: Orruk Warclans (especially Bonesplitterz), Ogres.
    They just don't care. They want to roam around and fight and eat. They don't care much about altruism and they don't scheme. They live in the present and just do the thing they do.

    CE: Chaos Daemons
    The fun problem here is that Warhammer Chaos Daemons are not chaotic by D&D standards. None of the factions is. They all have ordered structures and armies. They are way more akin to the Devils of D&D in that.
    I'd still say they are the closest thing to being CE. They don't care for each other nor for the living or death, and they are incredibly evil. They live to destroy literally all there is.

    Ok, that's it. I will probably have to refine this post though, I am not yet completely happy.


    Info for the non-D&D guys:
    D&D has two main groups of evil outsiders (beings from other planes of existence):
    Devils (also called Baatezu)
    And Demons (also called Tanar'ri)
    Devils are always LE, and Demons are always CE.

    Devils are the classic ones that you can deal with, and they have armies and hierarchies and all that stuff. Many of them look like Khorne Daemons.
    They want to rule.

    D&D Demons on the other hand are more wild, mainly solitary. They do have a bit of a hierarchy but they constantly backstab each other, like Skaven. Like Warhammer Daemons they are manifested feelings.
    They want to destroy.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Awesome!! That was a fun read!
    Aginor likes this.
  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    If you’re looking for someone to put into Chaotic Good, I would advocate Fyreslayers, as they have no particular cults or sects that are evil like Sylvaneth do and are less motivated by wealth than Kharadron (suggesting that they are good rather than neutral or evil), they desire to protect their holds and Lodges like the old Dwarfs and collect Ur-Gold because it helps to gradually restore Grimnir back into the Mortal Realms (“doing what is necessary to bring about change for the better”), but they ignore the bureaucracy of the Stormcasts and Freeguild, act in a way that looks disorganised from the point of view of others and they sometimes do fall prey to greed (suggesting they are Chaotic good rather than Lawful or Neutral good).
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
    Aginor and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Interesting suggestion.
    I basically ruled them out because most Dwarves from most stories are exceptionally lawful. Some are LE, some are LN, and some are LG. It is very rare that they have anything chaotic about them unless they are batshit crazy.

    But then I know hardly anything about Fyreslayers. Are they less fond of traditions and order than other Dwarves?
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would say they still are more fond of traditions and order than Kharadron, but less than the old Dwarfs from Warhammer Fantasy. Besides, the definition of Chaotic Good above mentions "A disdain for bureaucratic organisations that get in the way of social improvement", there isn't anything about specifically going against traditions and rules as they bring about social improvement - that would cause the individual to fall into Chaotic Neutral rather than Chaotic Good.

    The main reason I advocated them as Chaotic Good was as mentioned above - they are on the good side of the spectrum like the Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs because they put the protection of their Lodges above all else, and ultimately work to serve a higher cause (i.e. Grimnir returning to the Mortal Realms) but are unpredictable in the eyes of the Free Cities and Sigmarines because they behave "out of sync" with them, and they will consider changing sides if either their employer betrays them or the other side offers more Ur-Gold (because the more Ur-Gold they get, the more of Grimnir's soul is secured to be released, as opposed to Kharadron who seek Aether-gold purely to further their own wealth). Such unpredictable behaviour I think puts them into the Chaotic Good category.
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  19. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok, I understand where you are coming from to call them "chaotic", but I am actually not that sure about the "good" part.
    Their protectiveness and altruism only exists within their society, does it? They protect their lodges, which is basically protecting themselves.
    They also switch sides for Ur-gold. You categorize that as chaotic, which I agree on, but depending on whether they will work for someone who is clearly evil that will influence their standing toward neutrality or even evil.
    I also wonder: Is putting Grimnir back together altruistic, or are they doing it for themselves?
  20. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    There are lots of different interpretations of the 9 alignments. Since it's a fictional system of splitting up the cosmos there is not right answer.

    The biggest change occured in 3rd edition. Neutral used to mean a midway point between good and evil, but Neutral turned into "Diet Good." Neutral characters want good things for other people, and they oppose evil, but they do not make major sacrifices to help others oppose evil without some other incentive.

    Then there is an assumption that all nine boxes must be filled. In which case you find the best possible fit for every box. In which case both @NIGHTBRINGER and @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl 's interpretations are valid.

    But I would argue that by the fluff, most of the blocks should be blank. Given that the Chaos Realm drives fluff so heavily, there is a lot built around Law versus Chaos. There are not many Warhammer factions that would qualify as Neutral with regard to Law and Chaos, and all of the Neutrals in this regard are Neutral Evil, Dark Elves, Skaven, Vampire Counts. Maybe Wood Elves could qualify as True Neutral. Her is my take.

    • Beastmen Chaotic Evil
    • Bretonnia Lawful Neutral with good tendencies
    • Chaos Dwarfs Lawful Evil
    • Daemons of Chaos Chaotic Evil
    • Dark Elves Neutral Evil with Lawful tendencies
    • Dwarfs Lawful Neutral with Good tendencies
    • Empire Lawful Good
    • High Elves Lawful Neutral with Good tendencies
    • Lizardmen Lawful Neutral
    • Ogre Kingdoms Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies
    • Orcs & Goblins Chaotic Evil
    • Skaven Neutral Evil with Chaotic tendencies
    • Tomb Kings Lawful Neutral
    • Vampire Counts Neutral Evil
    • Warriors of Chaos Neutral Evil with Chaotic tendencies
    • Wood Elves True Neutral with Lawful tendencies
    • Dogs of War (who most people don't count) True Neutral with Evil tendencies.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019

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