8th Ed. League List discussion (500/700/900/1100/1300/1500)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by ChandlerGriz, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    My local game shop is holding an escalation league... starting at 500 points. Having never played lizards I bought some and figured this would be a good way to start. At first I thought of starting with a bunch of skinks but Im afraid of the Ld6... So here is my list for the 500 points.... Comments please...

    1 Saurus Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Venom of the Firefly Frog
    24 Saurus Warriors, Banner
    10 Skinks
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    499 total...
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: 500 points - New to Lizards help!

    If you have the model, you should add a salamander at this level. It will be lethal. Other than that, you should do alright.
  3. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Re: 500 points - New to Lizards help!

    ahh.. Forgot to mention that in the first two rounds of the league no rares or lords are permitted... :\
    but I do have a Salamander and he will be int here at some point :)
  4. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    Re: 500 points - New to Lizards help!

    I think your list is pretty solid. Before the 7th Edition Lizardmen and before 8th Edition Warhammer, I used a similar list at a tournament, and got two wins and a draw (although I did use the infamous Jaguar Saurus of Doom - movement 9 scar veteran!).

    However, Lizardmen are Cold-Blooded, so Skinks don't run as much as other Leadership 6 troops might do. Saurus are a speed bump for cavalry (or at least anything you'll see at 500 points), and skinks can be a real irritation for your opponent.
  5. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Last night was the first night of the League. I ran the above list and was paired against some VC. I have to say, the Scar-Vet with Venom of the Firefly Frog was MVP vs VC! He alone was responsible to killing 5 Hexwraiths, a tomb wraith and about 10 skeletons! Saurus made short work of his corpse hounds and skeleton horde while Skinks hung out and watched.

    On a side note, in another game VS a different VC player the skinks did their job! redirecting smaller units and hounds while the Saurus beared down on his main unit with Necromancer.

    All in all I feel the list was pretty solid... and I didnt miss magic at ALL!

    Next league list is 900 points.... (No rares, No Lords)

    Saurus Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Venom of the Firefly Frog, Dragonhelm

    24 Saurus Warriors, Banner/Muso

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    1 Stegadon, great bow

    I do not know who I am paired against yet, comments please!
  6. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    Did you get a look at what other races are playing in the tournament? It might help everyone else give you more useful tips and suggestions.

    For example, did you see a lot of races that like to use war machines? (bretts, dwarves, tombking). Because in that case most people will tell you to add chamo skinks, etc.

    Also, if you may have notice any list that have a tendency for a build. For example, are there WoC that are magic heavy? You might get suggestions to take a scroll and/or a cube with you, which involves adding a Priest to your list.
  7. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Yeah thats a good point. The armies in the league include!

    Vampire Counts x2
    Ogres x2
    Chaos Warriors
    Lizards (me)
    High Elves
  8. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    I've never played tournaments so I may not be the right person to be handing out advise but for the spread I see I think you're going to want to field more than just one salamander. There are at least 5 armies that have the capability to bring a lot of cheap units to the board which will have you outnumbered. Sallies will be great to deal with all this excess. If you could I'd go for 2 teams of 1 with snack or a team of 3.

    You've done good against ethereal but it looks like you haven't seen the last of them. With the number of games and the number of players it looks to me like you'll end up facing them one more time (if not twice). An inexpensive way to deal with them would be to add Banner of Eternal Flame to your list at some point. That involves getting a BSB or taking one of the two special units that can carry magic banners (CoR or TG).
  9. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    At the 900 point level, he cannot use rares. Valid point about the magic banner. I would look at maybe using Cold one cavalry to accomplish that. Maybe even use the scar-vet as bsb to get the banner in the saurus. Use a skink priest as the general.

    TG would be too many points to be effective.
  10. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    Oh I knew he wouldn't in this next game but I know that later on he will. Also, I forgot to mention that the Banner will help against Ogres that cast Troll Guts (4+ regen) on a unit. If your banner unit gets stuck in combat with ogres and your opponent decides to cast troll guts on them let him get it off because you'll deny the benefit. That way he wastes two power dice. It'll only work once per battle (if your opponent doesn't make the same mistake twice) but is still a nice bonus for one magic phase.
  11. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    I agree that I need to find a way to get in some Flaming attacks due to 2x Ogres and 2x Vamps. The units the banner can go in are kind of expensive for this point lvl, and I feel a BSB could be better equiped, than with a 10 point banner. My thoughts were to use the Burning Blade of Chotec instead of the Firefly Venom. This would give me access to magic attacks AND negate Regen. Since the Scar-Vet strikes BEFORE the Saurus the attacks would negate regen on the unit and they would lose regen while the Saurus are attacking. Correct? Plus a -2 AS isnt bad either!
  12. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    I think you're right. I don't have the books right in front of me but I think the regen is denied if they suffer from a fire attack on that same phase. Good thinking!!
  13. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Next league round is 700 points and Im playing Ogres...

    Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec

    24x Saurus Warriors, HW/Sh, Banner/Musician
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    1 Stegadon

    whatcha think?

    I would like more protection on my Scar-Vet, but at this points lvl it may not matter...
  14. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Instead of the Burning Blade, I went with Firefly Venom and a Dragonhelm.

    Lizardmen destroyed some Ogres last night! Next is 900 points.. I wil be adding a Champ to the Saurus, Talisman of Endurance on the Scar-Vet and a pair of Salamanders, with extra handlers!!
  15. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Gratz on the win. At 900 points, those sallies will own everything. If you are taking a pair, split them into two units of 1. They will do very well.
  16. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    At 900 points the League Comp says no Lords and no duplicate rares.. so if I take 2 Salamanders I have to keep them in one unit.

    I was very impressed with the Giant Bow on the Stegadon... granted I got lucky and rolled 6 twice!!!
  17. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Well, that will be more killyness in one unit then. Save the points on extra handlers as the unit shares all 6 of them. If you lose one sally, you still have 6 handlers (if none have been eaten).
  18. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Thanks for your replies!

    At this point my 900 point escalation league list is looking to be:

    Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Venom of the Firefly Frog, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl

    24 Saurus Warriors, FC
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    1 Stegadon
    2 Salamanders with one extra handler

    total: 897 (I could go more aggressive and trade the Shield for a Great Weapon on the Scar-Vet?)

    Thinking to go with the following at 1100

    Scar-Vet as above
    Skink Priest, lvl-2, Plaque of Tepok
    24 Saurus Warriors, FC
    19 Skinks, Musician
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    1 Stegadon
    2 Salamanders

    My issues are:
    At what point should I try getting the Burning Blade of Chotec on my Scar-Vet for VC and Ogre regen?
    At what point should I look at a BSB
    The last lvl of the league is 1500 points, do I go with a Slann then, or is that too many points to invest at such a low point lvl? (Slann plus Guard)
  19. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    So I guess in round 3 (900 pts) my opponent is Orcs and Goblins...
    Im thinking the Salamanders and Stegadon should be pretty good here with terror and panic checks to go around on Ld 6-7!
  20. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Most definately take the sallies. The stegadon will do well as well.

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