Yes. After the update that added the new Skaven tome, GW has locked all Skaven info, including warscrolls and army info. You can unlock if you buy...
Let the lock down of the Age of Sigmar app begin! Sigh...
You must be enjoying that GW has gone Chaos Dwarf crazy in Blood Bowl recently. This is a really neat model. I really like the paint job,...
Yes! Congratulations @TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi! Congratulations to @bucks for a beautiful paint job as well. It was a very close vote. And well...
From what I've heard about Rings of Power... maybe Sauron IS a T-1000. Or Venom.
But they, were all of them, deceived. For another sauce was made. [IMG]
Rest in Peace Mr. Jones. So many movies would not be the same without his commanding presence and deep, resonating voice. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
It can always be argued that how/when/where the combatants get to the combat site could make a difference. If they literally teleport right across...
Ah. I couldn't quite tell the scale from the photo. I felt sure they looked like some kind of fowl.
They look like turkey feathers, I believe?
I guess "meaningless" can be subjective in a wargame. It might make sense at the time in the gameplay of the battle? I hate to try another chess...
Yeah, in earlier versions of AoS, Lizardmen/Seraphon played more into the "magic dominance" role that Kroak & Slann seem to have.
My main point is just that, not unlike real war/battle, many wargames try to recreate the choice that some...
@Canas I think you accidentally attributed many of the quotes to me instead of @Kilvakar. I do see what you're saying about the HoH. I guess my...
I hear you. I do think we have good hammers in the form of Aggradons and Kroxigor. But, they are best in 6-model units and it gets pricey to put...
Gotcha. The Total War Carno is really cool looking.
I thought those looked like OPR miniatures. That's a lot of interesting work/re-work and I like them. Did you just not like the heads of the GW...
I can see your points and your perspective of the game. I agree that the game might suffer from being a bit too over-simplified/streamlined. It...
Overall, I would say that the 4.0 rules are solid. It feels good to be able to take actions in your opponent's turn. Cavlary, Monstrous Cavalry...
Wow! Quite a quick achievement! Well done.