Well done everyone! @ASSASSIN_NR_1 I really dig the "Star Destroyer." I've been thinking about a Troglodon painted in a similar scheme; kind of...
At last! Something that @NIGHTBRINGER can really get behind! I'm sure you have your own take on the models, but I think they are a pretty decent...
Well, the AoS points change so often, in the grand scheme of things, that printing unit points in a battletome would be... ahem... pointless. :p
I have to say @NIGHTBRINGER, I really like the inclusion of Genndy Tartakovsky. I love both the visual and audio aesthetic of his work. Samurai...
To your question; I've enjoyed AoS 4th Ed so far. I'm not super crazy about the regiment system and the (still) clunky rules wording. I do like...
Top 10 Directors Steven Spielberg (Jaws, Close Encounters, E.T., Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Shindler's List, Saving Private Ryan... and more)...
I will be interested to see what the Skaven and SCE battletomes will look like. That might be a bigger indication of what GW plans for 4th ed.
Sorry, but I've been sidetracked with work and just the day to day. This might be a bit of a tough one for me. I don't really think about...
As a Star Wars nerd, the 20/8 rumor looks kind of like an IG-88 head. Lol!
@Imrahil, based on the rumor engine for 20 August, GW might be getting into Star Wars. :p
No, I haven't really watched in a while. Maybe a video on YouTube. Snarf is annoying, but it's a nice trip down memory lane. Plus, the theme song...
2011. Wow! 2011... was it already that long ago... man, I'm old. I don't even know what this 2020 version is?
I'm sure I've asked you this before, but what did you think of the relatively recent Thundercats remake? I thought it was okay. It didn't quite...
Aside from the aesthetic appeal of GW's models, don't forget another aspect of their prices. If you like their games (which loads of people do)...
The best but worst part about Thundercats was that they gradually made the Sword of Omens a sort of "do anything needed" item.
So many good weapons on there, @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl.
Also a great list @NIGHTBRINGER. You're right, there are some definite patterns.
Thanks @NIGHTBRINGER I've only seen the one anime, but it's called Fist of the Northstar. That is the title Ken Shiro holds. He is crazy powerful...
Maybe not quite as the DM planned, but a pretty good game!
Maybe not the most inspired list, but these are some that jumped to my mind, then a few that came up as I typed out the list. Like usual, these...