I think they're going to work best on natural things, but you can paint pretty much anything with them. Definitely going to save a lot of peoples...
The blue horror definitely is, but it's had a highlight applied as well. Overall the paints are gonna be amazing for getting base coats down...
It was brilliant, and I will definitely be going again next year.
Definitely. Over darker colours though you can get some nice effects, imagine a very highly pigmented wash. Makes for some cool applications of...
Paint will naturally dry quicker near edge, and as the paint dries it draws into the wetter parts due to some kind of mad science.
I entered the Troll Hag
I just whacked it on while it was all wet and mixed it up.
The new primers they've made are super super super smooth, you won't even believe it. It feels like there's no paint on there at all, this helps...
I painted this in under 5 minutes using them. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Saw your stuff yesterday, very nice!
I'm going to finish the giant Spider and Sylvaneth Underworlds dudes. Maybe get the Ironjawz Underworlds done too. Then I hope to make a solid...
Congratulations on the win :) I was thinking about building an online tool where you could add units and things to remember to do in each phase...
I tried it, I prefer a more targetted effect.
My plan next time would be... Base coat metallic > highlight > matt medium > chipping medium First colour > highlight > chip > matt medium >...
They are real, first attempt at using chipping medium. I can see how it would be very easy to make some cool effects with it. Next time I think I...
Anyone else at Warhammer Fest this weekend? What are your hopes and dreams for reveals? Just what is Contrast? We'll find out soon enough......
I've gone all in on the Sylvaneth.... Bought a Looncurse box, trading the squigs with a friend to double down on it, and ordered the Start...