I mainly play in GW stores so needs to be primarily GW
I'm convert a Carnosaur into an Engine of the Gods, cos the Stegadon box is being reprinted so who knows when it'll be back available... and I'm...
They are battleline for Seraphon, says it right there in the right hand column.
It'll depend. For larger groups spears are better so that you can attack two ranks deep, if you're using a priest to buff their jaws attacks then...
They're essentially a chaff unit for objectives. If you have 40 and that have a backup and buff from a priest and can get in range of something...
He's definitely the best player in the world, helps of course he's playing in a pretty easy 3 team league. Let's be honest, he looked completely...
Adds more risk/reward to it, so think it's pretty cool regardless. It was slightly OP as it was...
Skinks are more expensive now, no super cheap max unit size. Also only Seraphon battleline now so a needed nerf to mixed order lists.
Welcome to the party!
I just went with it then gap filled and sanded what I could, I also made another bracelet out of green stuff to cover one of the more annoying...
I painted a Seraphon! That's another thing out of my back log. [ATTACH]
It's been shaded down significantly with weathering powders now. The idea is to end with a tint of the colour in there rather than it being over...
Also did some work on this spooky boy [ATTACH]
Added more green into it and did a little more... This isn't going to be a quick job. [ATTACH]
He doesn't know of any... I suggested he just start his own.
I'm sure there must be a retailer in France or maybe Germany that will be able to ship to you for cheaper? I'll check with a friend....
I might get some Varanguard to paint, they look like they could be good fun.
Only to have it dispelled the following turn... I understand what you're saying, there are definitely counters to them. We'll just have to wait...