Same here. The trick is to water down the PVA a bit so it is thin enough and goes into the spaces between the grains. I also add a drop of dish...
I've written a few short sentences about each story but I'll wait a bit with posting them.
Welcome to Lustria!
Me too. I just finished reading through all of them. Some fun (and weird) stuff in there, as it should be. The main problem with the crossover...
Yay! Reading now!
Great highlighting on that one!
Nice job!
Thanks, guys!
Here are some shots of my finished Blood Bowl Lizardmen team. I put grass on the bases and painted white lines on it to make it look more like a...
I am slooowly working on my Kurnoth Hunters. Also finished my Blood Bowl Lizards. Pics on my blog soon.
There is also a video on YT in which the producer talks a bit about the things we see in the trailer, including explanations of why some things...
Ok, so now a LOT of promotional material and leaks are coming in, and I am soaking it all up since I don't care about spoilers. Some awesome...
I am playing a Greenskins campaign for the first time now, cooperative MP with a buddy. Good fun so far, he's Grimgork and I am Wurrzag. When...
I like it so far!
Magnets for the win!
Oh yeah!
Yep, nice job on the froggy. The red is a nice contrast to the grey and green.
Agree. That looks pretty great!