Yesterday was my fifth hobby anniversary! Not much done work lately, but in celebration of that day here are a few WIP pics of my current...
There have been a few new things released. Panel with Rafe and a few of the cast: [MEDIA] Shadowspawn video:...
I have begun a piece but I am fairly certain that I won't make it in time.
Yay, more progress!
I always had a soft spot for Triceratops. Big and peaceful but kinda menacing looking, it can defend itself. But I also dig Compsognathus. I...
Those look great!
Welcome to Lustria!
Two Stegadons built and primed. Might start their skin this week.
No further news so far. They have been relatively quiet. My wife and I are almost through book 1 now. A few evenings of listening left.
It is called dentil molding and it looks awesome indeed!
Good job! I am slooowly back to painting myself. Don't dive in too quickly so you don't get burned out again.
Last night I continued working on my Kurnoth Hunters, and partially built a Stegadon.
A Lustrian Ogre?
I can imagine a few other things beside crossovers...
Unlikely that I will enter something, but we will see. Maybe I'll have an idea and enough time.
Nice job!
Welcome to Lustria! For dead leaves or similar effects many people seem to use tea leaves.
Update: Almost halfway through book 1 of the audio book (the guys are just leaving Aridhol). My wife likes it so far. Concerning the TV show: It...
IMO it looks nice, but if you want to add something to it then you could use a metal color in some spots (for example on statues) to make them...