Fun little tutorial on how to paint Dead or Rotting flesh [MEDIA] Hope you guys like it!
This one was very fun to make, I do love some good weathering. Learn how to paint Rusted Metal in this quick and fun video! [MEDIA]
Today I came near a Space Marine, don't worry, I'm better now. Watch the tutorial here: [MEDIA] Turns out I own PRECISELY one Space Marine, so...
I painted Power Sword! Watch the tutorial here: [MEDIA] Turns out I own PRECISELY one Space Marine, so decided to use him to test recipes and...
Started painting my Lord of Knowledge! Took the opportunity to record a video on how to paint pale flesh AND EYES: [MEDIA] Hope you like it!
My first dip into the Contrast pot of goodness is live! Learn how to paint orange easily here: [MEDIA] Hope you like him!
This is my first dip into the Contrast Pot, hope you like it! [MEDIA]
Made a little video on how I paint my lizards eyes. [MEDIA] I really hope you like it!
Of course I won't! Have to not seen what is riding it? A Troglodon on the other hand...
All based and pretty for the good camera, a nice photo session so you can appreciate the real intensity of the colours, no post editing except for...
Finished my first Chameleon, so happy with him! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] Hope you like him!
Thanks! I will Base him and take a nicer picture later, I'm so happy to be able to paint orange with no suffering
Tutorial on how to paint bright Orange EASY, using CONTRAST PAINTS, amongst other things, is now recorded and I will edit it tonight, because who...
Oh I thought in the video I used Agrax. I use Agrax for my Skinks It makes almost no different though. It's very subtle. Agrax makes for a darker...
This works great for skin: [MEDIA] The red I use for the crests is this, but changing the Cadian for Fire Dragon Bright [MEDIA] Hope that helps
Thank you for watching! I'm really glad you found it useful
Sorry... [ATTACH]
Thanks man, you know it's very appreciated
It's Finally here! [MEDIA]