Super excited to see what you are doing with the Bretonnians! Love the unit of Men-at-Arms, some of most fun I had was putting my units...
I completed a few Aleph minis from Infinity this month real fast with contrast paints: [ATTACH] Meet Helen of Troy, the voice of Aleph and...
Great looking dinos and bases!
Wow that is a great use of bits!
Congrats on finishing another year! I went through my old roster of what I wanted to accomplish for 2023... and didn't quite make it to...
@eron12 nice work on your terrain projects. I was thinking of doing something similiar to those. I got a ton of wintery trees at 50cents each...
Really great stuff @Imrahil !
Those are some good looking lizards!
Very nice green!
Well done everyone! Too late for me to vote on this competition, but really great work all around.
It's been a few months! Time flies, happy new year everylizard! While I am dissappointed with the possibility that our humble Lizardmen may never...
Nice work on the slann!
I have a few more painted Infinity minis to share! Two more remotes: [ATTACH] They bring the total number of Murafeq bots up to 4 [ATTACH]...
Good looking Lizardmen force!
Some of the most amazing Lizardmen terrain of all time!
I like the heraldry generator!
Greetings fellow lizards! It has been a while since last I posted. I am in the process of getting out of the army after almost a decade, and just...
@ChapterAquila92 that is great! I enjoyed putting together a few Star Wars legion models, I am hoping to actually paint some more of them this...
I may be able to play some infinity or Stargrave in a few weeks, so I am working on getting some Aleph minis finished. I went ahead and finished...
Really great color scheme, well done! :artist: