That is amazing! The colors are stunning, well done :artist:
Jumping ship from my dino raptors I decided to paint a few more Deathwatch instead. I finished these five eliminators on the last day of May....
Nice work on the Wood Elf! That was my brother's second army... brings back lots of memories :D
Beautiful collection!
Love the idea of this topic! I can speak on some info I am aware of in terms of Mayan painting, both on the temples themselves and on murals. 1)...
Good info! I found a reference photo of one of Fireforge's Ashigaru infantry next to the Warlord Games Ashigaru that I own: [IMG] The Fireforge...
Those Marvel characters look good, as does the bedazzled lizard!
Those troopers look good! The transfers add a lot of detail to them.
Wow, I have never heard of this character, but I am in awe of the detail you brought out in her eye :wideyed::wideyed:
Oh this does catch my interest! I hope to paint some more of my giant samurai force within the next year (after I get through more backlog) and...
Glad you can continue to paint! I really like your work, the saurus look great and I appreciate the realistic color scheme you are accomplishing...
Well done to everyone who participated! Congrats to @ASSASSIN_NR_1 for your beautiful piece; and thanks @Killer Angel for prompting this into...
Good point, I neglected to mention that! They are from Station Forge miniatures, I bought them off of Etsy. Really great prints, much better...
That is awesome! I just painted the dino recently... but yours has so much better detail! So glad I can see what the real print quality should...
Those look fantastic! Very nice colors, I am getting distinctly Dark Crystal vibes from them for some reason :artist:
Oh wow! I didnt get a sense of just how big that ship was going to be until I see it with all the minis on it. How heavy is that thing!?
This next little project has been WIP for at least a year now? Some Admech Raptor Riders!!! [ATTACH] I started assembling them ages ago but...
Love the ogre veteran dudes, those models have a lot of character :D Where are they from?
Those are nice! Very crisp paintjob :artist: