Interesting, curious how his snake buddy is going to turn out!
The hair on that dude seems a bit much, nothing a helmet can't cover up. I really don't like that old Treeman model! It looks ugly to me, like...
Might be considered lost if you take that warhammer community post into account... no vampire counts in the old world anymore!
I like the green face on the side of the throne, really nice color :artist:
Wow this conversion actually reminds me of the old prophet of Sotek artwork for some reason… minus the wings of course :D
Thanks! The skull is part of the mini itself, did my bed to color within the lines :confused:. I like that this alien is wearing what is...
Well done! Great accomplishment having three complete! I really need to get a second one someday.
Finished a mercenary for Infinity: Armand le Muet, contract sniper for hire. [ATTACH] [SPOILER] Members of this dudes' alien species apparently...
I agree, I like the grey-faced one better, I think because your skinks are already green.
Well done to everyone who participated! :artist::cool::vulcan:
Your Lizard stuff is looking fantastic. The frog, underworlds team, and the basti all look great, as does your terrain. :artist: And your...
Wow that is amazing! Truly loving those colors
100% agree. Instagram has tons of adds (like facebook its how they make money) but there are some great painters on there with truly magnificent...
Worse case, focus on the parts of the model that you can see, or what will draw the most attention. For instance, more time can be spent on a...
Found this little gem on instagram today. [ATTACH] rob_paints.
Finished my entry for the forums' Feathered Serpent competition today! Shocked I actually got it done. Not sure what my next project will be,...
Those WWII troopers look good! :artist::artist::artist: And stegadon is looking great as well.
Clever use of bits for these!
My entry for the April/May Feathered Serpent Competition is complete! [ATTACH] I have decided to name him Chan K'awiil, scar-veteran of the city...
Amazing entries! So glad that this is happening. Here is my entry: Scar-Veteran Chan K'awiil on Dilophosaur [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The...