Did it have the special over powered BSB in it was well ?
How's this ? [ATTACH]
Lord-Marcus I know you are there, I can hear you posting. :meh:
[ATTACH] There you go.
Haven't seen any request lately... I'm just putting it out there that... yea... I'm still doing theses. :artist:
Goggle up Peru and mummies, ... lot of scary mummies. :wideyed:
^ you can use a nail file or something similar to sharpen up the flat sides of the green stuff after it dries a bit.
Welcome to The Jungle. :D
Might be interesting for painting all the little gem bits on models... :artist:
Welcome to Fantasy Island. [IMG]
He's got three more older sculpts on https://trollforgedminiatures.com
Most Intriguing. [IMG]
I was a huge area of effect spell, that also destroyed buildings. (if there was one nearby.) (the exact effect differed between versions)
[IMG] Kroq-Gar
... Maybe we need a bigger cat door. :/ [IMG]
Kroak would probably be a bit too powerful.
... If only he would turn his powers to the side of good.. :meh:
http://www.letmegooglethat.com/?q=Dinotopia :writing:
I guess Reapers "Bones" line of skeletons are still the cheapest then. :/