... crap I thought they where 25mm...
https://www.amazon.com/Piece-Army-Skeleton-Warriors-Ready/dp/B00IDBZPIU Ere ya go 100 for $10.
@Warden I'm not gonna say it an old bottle ... but it was made in west Germany. :oldman:
SCA. http://www.sca.org/
... You could decorate the bases with plastic plants, sand, & flock. Or you could add in bits of temple ruins, or just base them in moss in a leaf...
Here's the official model for oldblood/scar-vet on cold one. [IMG]
Kinda reminds me of http://www.warploqueminiatures.com/ weird alternate fantasy models.
This isn't 40k... o_O (Old blood on cold one is still a legal unit as far as I know)
ohhh... World of Twilight has come a long way since the last time I saw them. :eek:
Don't see why not.... :meh:
... Well I painted 3 miniatures in February... (two Saurus and one DND mini) Maybe I'll finish some more of the Saurus in march....
Skeletor has what you call a drinking problem. :drowning:
Crows should also be a bit further up the list closer to parrots. [MEDIA]
Think I'll throw some more fuel on this fire.... https://list25.com/25-most-intelligent-animals-on-earth/
... I think I have around 7,500 ish 8th edition points worth of models ...? (IRC) :oldman: (But I think I could only make a legal army of around...
Nothing Ventured, Nothing gained. o_O
https://imgur.com/gallery/WPJGG LOL ALL OF THIS.
I have about 1/2 a pint left of my huge bottle of India ink. I have used this with everything over the years. Also I still have a set of the...