I had a Cat kill a 3' rat snake in front of the main door of the house. (the snake wasn't venomous, but they are quite aggressive) My current cat...
I think the real problem is that Lizardmen don't really wear clothes to begin with ...
...I'm gonna try and finish six Spear Saurus... I got one 1/2 done. :meh:
I have no Idea what you are talking about.... :bag:
... That is a lot of catching up. :rolleyes:
Or alternately The Running Man . [SPOILER]
... and then We have bowling, a sport you can literally do while drinking a beer. :meh:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_Off_(TV_series) ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_Wars There need to be a show like these for Regular...
I think he need to be bit more Scruffy looking.
...Does a bit of Googling... So the longest Cricket match lasted... :eek: NINE DAYS !!!
Maybe a nice dark wash on the hoses and stuff around his neck. Literally about 10 seconds or work.
I'd be surprised if I got to actually play a game this year. :meh: Also I already have most of my army painted, I'm just trying to finish it.
Paint one Saurus. :meh: (probably wont even finish it.)
Interesting stuff here ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_history_of_American_football ....also I saw a theory that American Football is so...
Ah here's the one I was looking for. https://wappellious.blogspot.com/2016_08_25_archive.html?m=1 Ps. I suspect (sandy paste) is just white glue...
http://wappellious.blogspot.com/search/label/Basing%20techniques Just a few basing ideas....
"decodadeco" ??? :confused: You could probably paint the plastic base to like somewhat like cut sandstone, and then glue on some fine sand in...