I think what we've seen so far is a great start. If you go into this thinking we will keep all the old busted stuff that doesn't match the current...
Id imagine no monsters will be allowed in the pyramid. Dont sleep on this thing. Garrison is so freaking strong, especially when combined with...
Can't wait for them to get rid of the old Bloat Toad rules. I really want to have the option to use my Rippers outside of Shadowstrike.
HYPE HYPE HYPE!!!! Durability is one of Seraphon's biggest weaknesses. Really hope they get some Mortal wound negation. So excited!!
Started messing around with my "Dinoboyz" goregruntas. Almost finished with 30 arrowboyz, ill share pics as soon as I figure out my basing....
So we are getting new Kroxigor and Razors. I'll take it. Stay optimisitc and positive people :) :)
What feels longer? Waiting for the release news or painting 100 Skinks?
I fully support howls of joy :)
I'd like to make a pact with all the other Skinks on this site. When the new book comes out, and it changes our old rules, like Shadowstrike,...
I know this is super random, but as I day dream, one thing I want more than anything is for Lord Kroak to get a new model and awesome rules. They...
Yeah I think my plan would be both things. Own and bring the stupid dwarf with me and also make sure his basing and painting make him stand out a...
I like the idea of using Gotrek in my Seraphon army but I HATE the idea of putting a dwarf in it. How do you think people would react to me using...
Small painting updates as well. Boars basically 95% finished (still need to matt varnish) and all the remaining Ogres in my Mawtribe army are...
I use a mask, open window right near my desk and a ceiling fan. Safety first! [ATTACH]
I wanted to share my current set-up! It's not perfect, and disclaimer, I don't use an airbrush boothe(although I'm probably buying one). Recently...
Nice work. If I could say one thing is that I think they would look even better if you pushed the contrast inbetween the individual feathers. You...
Too many fun painting projects and too little time :) I have painters ADHD...
No new points has to be a good sign right? Book incoming then? :) :) Happy thoughts.
My Iwata Eclipse is great. Works well and is easy to clean. The .35 needle is a good size for minis. you can do priming and detail work. You...