Most winning and something creative. I've seen a lot of "off-meta" builds do well and I think it would be fun to have something that on paper is...
Ever since I saw Chris Welfare's 2.5K list go 4-1 at Sydney GT ( ) I wanted to try out 3xArk of Sotek Bastis....
Thanks :) I think the little bit of crimson wash around their faces, hands and feet really brings them to life.
First group of naked boyz almost finished!! Slowly learning where I can cut corners and Im going to try to work faster on my next batch. Might do...
Such a cool model. Nice work so far!
Super excited that my Rogue Idol arrived early!!! Was hoping to have my first 30 man Orruk unit built and painted before he did but I might just...
Assembly lining and building my BS army. Here's where I am in the process. Trying to speed things up with some drybrushing and contrast paints on...
My 3 test models - I think I'm going to do simple black tattoos instead of bright warpaint. Going to use a darker color for the bone, and use a...
Airbrushing skin: It looks super washed out in the picture but in real life it's not as washed out. It also looks better when the details are...
Changed title because I'm super excited about my Orruks. Always been an Ork fanboy and now I'm sucked back in. Here is my progress. Prepwork -...
Both :) I used my airbrush to hit the underside of the model with a muted purple. Then washed in some crimson into the face area and fingers and...
Yes but I'm not sure what color. I'm thinking I might do more tattoos then warpaint, but I think I'll mess around with a few ideas. I'm trying to...
My first minature ever painted was an Ork boy. Happy to be painting some Orruks again! Went for a more realistic green. WIP. [ATTACH]
Test models are done! Super messy application but i was doing a lot of trial and error to figure out what colors i liked. Now that i have a game...
I tried some new things and really wanted some warm tones in the skin to make it look alive and all my pictures arent doing it justice. I'll have...
Looking for some advice. How do you take good pictures of lighter/white colored models? I'm working on some Ogors right now and Im painting them...
Let me know when you find an army that can kill all the Keepers and heroes in one turn :) #MakeKroakGreatAgain
I'm hoping they get toned down as well. That being said aren't 2 Bastiladons in TQ a decent answer? 3 Dmg is no joke. Range is only 20inches but...
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. I think i've been staring at the horns too much and I wasn't happy with the transitions. Cant wait to carve...