I feel like you can actually create some powerful lists with double Slann and some Endless Spells. Quick questions. -Does each Slann add a dice...
Do you guys or anyone one here have a blog that goes into some detail about the 3d printing process and how to get into the hobby? I think that...
This happens to me all the time. Best way to learn. Also nice work on your EoTG. Keep up the great work. He looks familiar...... BROTHERS!??!...
Basing 40 Skinks. Lord give me strength. I can't wait to be finished with this group and to move onto some other, bigger Seraphon :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nice work! I like how you painted up the Jade Spear. Looks good!
Also the dude works on his abs. Beastmode.
Great work! Can't wait to see some paint on this bad boy.
Nice video. Any thought of replacing one of your EotGs for 2x Razors?
I should have picked lower model count armies lol
I have project ADHD and I started rescuing some poor Sylvaneth that I picked up on eBay. I took some additional pictures along the way to document...
In my opinion the current rules are a little silly. To me it seems like the type of old rule that GW has been cleaning up/making more streamlined....
I think the way AoS is going the Toads are going to go bye byes, at least in the way we use them now. But you have some great objective markers :)
Yeah I was wondering if you just put them on the table what you could with them. They probably get shot off or magic'd off the table before the...
Have people here played with a 12 man Terradon unit before? It seems a fun and interesting unit to play with. I wonder if anyone has ant tips or...
Inspiring work. Any chance you'd share how you handled the "fleshy" reddish purple parts of the skin? I love that natural look and you executed it...
Thanks. I struggle finding hobby time lately and I have a lot of cool grey models on my desk so I keep putting them off but they are really close....
??? It looks great but GW is producing some crazy miniatures right now. It's just that Seraphon is an older range.
Awesome idea. It's funny because if the rings were rock they would look great because it would fit the natural ruggedness. Overall a great idea.
Also these bad boys are always lurking on my desk and someday I'll finish this batch of 40 :) [ATTACH]