There is no real definitative army lists out there, so you have to tailor your army to what your opponent's faction can bring. Elves, all kinds,...
That happend to me as well, i only managed to kill the dwarf and by turn 25 i could do the final. A little annoying but i usually get tired of a...
That was from an event that GW held at warhammer world where they wanted to gather the entirety of Knight house Raven that hobbyist had collected.
Would you prefer if the Seraphon got an update within a short amount of time starting now, but with only a small update that updated rules and...
The symbol kinda looks like the Barak Varr banner from WHFB. [IMG]
Who's getting the limited edition? [IMG]
If you cut off the ends of the handles they look like they could work as game legal movement trays, maybe.
The handle just seems incredibly unnecessary and something that will not last for long.
Found a new art piece of the ossiarch hero that will be coming with Feast of bones that also has a sneak peak at his rules. [IMG] Bone...
I really wonder how large the skeleton is because i think it would make for a great mourngul conversion.
I found a leak of the endless spells the Ossiarchs will have [IMG] The big halv snake skeleton would make for some great conversions.
I remember that in the first rulebook, closer to a rules page, there weren't any points and the designers downright encourged people to just bring...
I think the reason that so many factions were fractured in the beginning of AoS, was because GW had plans about turning the remenants of various...
I think the beastclaw raiders with the everwinter lore will become a subfaction like the various stormchambers, freecities, warclans etc.
Dread Saurians are rather massive, so pretty much all ranged attacks will hit it, also the ai seems to always go after them first regardless if...
I think that must be WHFB Bretonnia, their latest army book came out in 2004 and they stopped producing them after the end times concluded in 2015.
Maybe the pelvic bones on their hats could go.
I might pick up a set of the Immortis guard since i really enjoy how they look. [IMG] I just hope they won't be too expensive.