Also facinating to note, Black Library teased the Lion, SoB (40K) and SoB (AoS) months before adepticon. [IMG]
They also mention that you can play them in ALL OTHER AoS armies as mercenaries. But i still think they look great.
The biggest of Boys have arrived. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] They are described to be able to stare Archaon in his face, so they are really big.
Another round of news. The FLC road map has been updated once again. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The old world update i bet is going to be for the...
Their latest game '3 Kingdoms' takes place in ancient China and the conflict of the 3 Kingdoms. It has the most extensive diplomacy of any of the...
Their contract with GW officially ends sometime during 2022, other than that they have no real obligations other than to finish the trilogi as far...
Long time since there has been any news for the game, but now the time has come. CA have confirmed that there will be 2 more lord packs for the...
His Instagram. It's something he mentioned on a DnD stream back in 2015 - 2016, I doubt it exists anymore.
This isn't my drawing, sorry if I made it sound sound like it was. The actual artist is on Twitter and is called 'Auri0192702'. Not trying to...
Vin Diesel also has a Blood Angles army, he mentioned it in a DnD video he was in.
Does fan art created incredibly quickly count? [IMG]
One of us. One of us. [IMG] If you don't get it then check his Instagram, he is painting some Custodes.
The "original" space marines are on their way out no doubt. They will never have a mini released for them ever again, and the books published by...
Hopefully gw will give xenos some love one day. One day i hope they also will treat the xenos special characters with some dignity. The Swarmlord,...
Atleast we get a look at some art for the 3 new types of gargant [ATTACH] Kraken eater, warstomper and gatebreaker.
There will be 2 more previews, starting the 18th of April.
These events always mess with me because my main way of identifying people on here is looking at their profile picture.
great joke, almost had me for a second. ;)
The Aelfling rats. [IMG]