Pretty cursed not gonna lie.
I think that if i were to get these guys, i would give four of them the "standard" helmet and give the champion the bull mask.
the heads in the first picture are the same helmets just cut at a vertical angle. It really gives them a whole new look.:cool:
I found some examples to how you can "fix" their helmets. [IMG] [IMG]
The scions of the flame look great, and it's kinda funny how the leader guy wields a Flamberge sword just in case you didn't know what their deal was.
I quite like it, it breaks the mold that Elves must almost always be sharp and pointy, so something that is a little more blunt is a nice...
Created in the image of the stoic creatures that make the mountains their home.
The big cow men are the spirits of the mountains given physical form.
Geesh, now Katakros has gotten a contendor for my favorite GW model of all time, now i am not sure which army to build towards in a proper fashion.
Holy cow [IMG] [IMG] I love those guys.
Looks like a facinating endeavour you're on trying to re-create the tombkings in AoS, i am looking forward to what you come up with both unit wise...
I think that the text comes from the new battletome.
The Skink star seer used to be a named character back in warhammer fantasy battle
Oh that might be it, guess i confused serpents for snakes too :)
On the warscroll you can download from the GW page it says hits on a 6 does a mortal wound. [ATTACH]
Just a heads up that warhammer fest has also been cancelled. The previews that were meant to be showcased there will now be showcased on the...