And now for some grade A grudge material. [IMG]
GW has released an article on the warhammer community that explains what they will do now that Adepticon has been cancelled....
The flamer has an attack characteristic of one (1), but it is ranged so it won't benefit from the command ability.
Isn't it on an unmodified hit that the d6 mortal wounds trigger? If not then i suppose it will get faq'ed if it cathes the attention of GW.
Wonder how they will handle the reveals GW had lined up for Adepticon? Maybe they will move them to the warhammer open day (unless that get's...
The downside of the six salamander unit is that you have to own six salamander mini's:(.
You're right let's end it now, but as a final note Adepticon has been officialy cancelled: "Since the very first AdeptiCon, held eighteen years...
The medicine in the U.S is top of the line no doubt, but it's just the price that is the problem.
Here in Denmark the entire school system has been locked down, and my gymnasium won't allow people to enter the building even to gather their...
Well it sure looks like the dread saurian has become quite killy and tanky creature, wonder how well it actually will do on the table. In other...
Absolute beast of a mini, I would say it is about the size of a helbrute. The accompying story is kinda dumb, so Ragnar manages to sneak unto an...
I do too, but I also hope I am wrong. It will set a dangerous predicament if GW doubles down on the fact you need multiple books to play a single...
Yep. I have a conspiracy theory brewing that i would like to share. So GW released the campaign supplement, Wrath of the Everchosen, and that...
how quickly the mood chanced in this thread AFTER the full picture was revealed.:D
The greatest tool the battletome will give us is the right to complain.
[IMG] Just take everything you read that doesn't have any form of verification with a gargantuan grain of salt.
I really don't think that the 8 stegadon build is meant to be competitive, the article about it even says that you will be winning more hearts...