Doesn't the text specify that it is only the beasts from the thunder lizards constellation that are Bioenginered? So most of the dinos still...
Yeah it's those guys that generate the points.
Don't forget our skink priests now generate commands point like the Gloomspite Gitz do. [IMG]
The stars foretold that this picture would be found funny by many. :p
That is an old piece of art from the first Seraphon battletome, most of the original battletomes had art that looked like this and I am glad they...
Behold the Slaan Stairmaster. [IMG] And now with added scenery. [IMG]
I believe that the new subfactions will be locked depending on which type of lizards you play, such as the Starborne get 3 and the coalesced have...
It very much looks like the revification crystal variant that the total war: warhammer game has. [IMG]
I meant that you would keep going around the world until you reach the point where you started. How topical that you mention that. [ATTACH]...
If they sailed in a (theoretical) straight line across the world, they would have to deport you 88.3 times. Brexit means brexit i guess.
To be fair it might not be as much a China problem, as it is a corporate trying to save face by not admitting an unforeseen issue has ocurred.
Well that is a funny saying but he doesn't actually like being picked up, only when we are going somewhere he can't reach or jump to does he allow...
My own little Gizmo right here. He protect. [ATTACH] And he attack. [ATTACH]
Time to learn how to make da dakka. [MEDIA]
I have finally begun painting again after a long hiatus from the brush. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]