And as always, you can't have an announcement from CA that subverts peoples expectations without this meme becoming relevant. [IMG]
As if a millions of abominable voices screeched out in pain.
The dlc had to include either the Skaven, Dark elves or High elves since it was confirmed that this time there weren't going to be any cross game...
I found a leak for the next dlc. [SPOILER]
Calling it now that the LL the skaven will get is Snitch deathmaster.
Wonder who these treacherously red eyes could belong to? [IMG] The trailer will be dropping any day now.
It's happening! [IMG] The trailer for the next dlc will soon drop.
Can't we all just be friends? [IMG]
A custom build Skaven super weapon from the days of WHFB. It was included in a supplement called "Blood In The Badlands" that had a focus on...
He reminds me of Dracula from the Castlevania games. [IMG]
The return of the Warp-Doom Magma-Cannon. [IMG]
I quite like it, a complete upgrade and still remains true to the original sculp and design.
I voted during the End times simply because i would really like GW to revist the books and do them properly. It is known that the books were all...
I think the reason GW decided to announce the return of WHFB right now is because they realise just how hot the iron is right now. Just look at...
we'll see in 2 - 4 years time if the Zee Lady's knights will ride again.
[IMG] This picture suddenly got rendered obsolete.