I find it’s just super super thin - and no matter how many ‘thin’ layers I use, it’s always blotchy and crap lol, I tend to try and stay away, if...
Haha I moved into this house last summer (still very much a work in progress) - sadly my ‘games/hobby’ room isn’t yet built - so I’ve had to...
VS my current setup ;D 1-0 to you [ATTACH]
You do love yellow, I can never EVER get even the slightest bit of yellow to work lol
Trogg boss is under way - in between drying washes etc I’m going to start converting my gobbo shamans ;P
:) very nice, the spiders crawling all over the place will be cool. As always I look forward to the picks. Just picked up my trogg boss, should...
Nice, sticking a shaman on top? Any colour schemes in mind? @LizardWizard ai the spiders can dish out some serious mortal wounds, but I love...
Yeeeees good man, they are pretty cool :D and the pallet you can use on them is endless! What have you gone for?
Thank you both :) @Crowsfoot - I agree, thanks again @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl - they are the Jedi of the gobbo world ;D
Thank you :)
Spider finally done! And some little red/purple flowers added to grots bases as suggested :) Enjoy. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Ouch :D see one part of me is ‘do it it’s new and shiny’ but the other half says ‘the missus will kill me’ That being said I do like to try new...
I’ve always wanted to use airbrushing, but expense against what the hell to buy and never using one before puts me off (I have seen a number of...
Yes! The wait was worth it, perfect job matey, very felltrogg colouring but you’ve pulled it off. Love them.
How good are you with green stuff :)? Wolves are more bulky/long legged compared to the classic rat shape, a few minor adaptions could work well