So much to do so little time! I want to have painted at least one of the three big sylvaneth models I have sitting around, finally get round to...
What colours are you planning to do yours in @Aginor ?
@Aginor yeah she is a gorgeous model! Very excited and terrified to start painting her myself! Sooo many small details and I really want to do her...
She is a very large model (the queen herself is much bigger proportioned than I expected!) Anyway I guess she’s now on the to paint pile! Going...
I’ve tried it all ;D just always hate the results (think I just hate yellow)
;D there are a lot of great skaven models - you have done this one justice. Liking the slaan as well (I can’t paint in yellow it always goes...
Haha very nice, hey you do all the work we just watch!
Yeah I think rules like that could keep it in check - I don’t really imagine many will use too many allies anyway as most armies now(or soon) have...
I like a lot, love the orb in the grey seers hand (and the strange jacket wearing rat) ;D
I reckon there should be a ‘you can spend as many points as you like’ but any mercenary unit either comes in later in the game or leaves early...
Might have accidentally bought the queen of the woods herself - purely accidental of course, stupid wallet keeps slipping out every time I walk...
I’m sure people will be keeping an eye out ;D good luck
I’m happy with the limitations, stops overly abusive units being taken (some of the god-like characters) for example no one would like to see...
Yeah, I like them having additional rules - but they are one more thing to remember lol, the slayers probably won’t suffer too badly from the...
There as always ;D I don’t remember commenting on your blog (I’ve certainly had a god look through it before) great work!
Command points mean nothing in a gitz army ;D there are 100 ways to make more
Welcome to the jungle, good stuff always great to have more creators in here
Hello there - I have only just noticed this thread ;D (sorry I’m always lurking around but always super busy) I am UK based - North West -...
Ai those buggers hit like meaty orange trucks, for me though it’s a 10 block of Auric heathguard with Smiter to deepstrike first turn +1 to wound...
It’s all a bit ‘meh’ but the mercenary lot could be a little change up (keep people thinking on their feet) rather than the usual ‘oh you...