Very useful on horde armies! I’d still prefer to go slower on the bigger/elite units - but I like it never the less
Really really really good...words aren’t enough. Grew work and good luck - see you in the white dwarf in first spot ;P
That wouldn’t add up ;D Takes him to 2010 Pts
Haha like it
It would have to be to have those big units in there, 320 per block of 6 troggs (640) manglers at 240 each (480) and trogg bosses 300 a piece...
Because everyone knows them :D it’s the underdogs or ‘rarely used’ armies that do best - because people don’t know what to expect or underestimate...
The best way to clear larger units of troggs would be to target their weak bravery (5) +1 if a trogg boss is close and immune to battleshock if...
Very good job, keep it going. You need to work out wether those trogg bosses are bosses or just regular solo monsters (they get slightly lowered...
Had a spare sword and just couldn’t resist ! Lol yeah I have quite a mass of models that need painting :S keeps me busy !
Accidentally bought a mangler...couldn’t resist any longer! And some bounders...oops And while I had the green stuff out I added a bit to my...
People don’t like them because of their 6’s ! :D Just a thought of you wanted to go technical - storm casts disappear in a flash of lightning...
Braving the big beastie !
They are cool I like them a lot !
Lol you should now be super motivated to catch up (plus people are waiting to see said gloom units) :D I really want a mangler squig...but I do...
Real nice terrain! That’s one thing I’ve never done and always wanted!
Thank you very much :) Haha I do like to inspire creativity (best bit is he was super easy and came out great!) Anyone wanting their own feel...
Was hoping to get more done - but proud of my Astrolith (haven’t done seraphim for a little while now) half painted my EOTG’s and sunblood -...
Thank you sir :) ‘Holding that giant banner thing high and defiant’
That model is a beauty ! So good. Also thanks for the tips great work.