Welcome to the fold :)
Also remember that you can’t shoot through the woods - so if possible stay away (mostly because Dorthu and co can port to them (and gain bonuses)...
Got some more ‘tree-people’ as I want to have a decent 1k-1.5k point army of them ready (so putting chaos and gitz aside for now) Stay tuned
Pretty sure you can summon your own (just as you say 1 of them)
Decided my shaggoth conversion needed some chaotic friends, so started work on a full beasts of chaos converted monster mash (pic purposefully...
I do like to scan through your works (kills a lot of time) :D Always enjoy what I see (far too much to mention) but love it all!
Really like how these models look and the poses you chose. Like the ones that @Deed525 's trolls, I love the tiny details and mushrooms for the...
Thank you very much kind sir :)
Good old styrofoam - half the time I think they look better anyway :D
Very good sir, you have certainly got the pace going on these guys :D I like
Cheers :) Love the base model, but wanted more !
Been fiddling around with my gobbos (also might have bought carrion empire box) couldn’t resist...so many conversion options ! [ATTACH]
@Aginor thanks. I’ve been fiddling around with some of the Gobbo caster bits ‘n’ bobs to make myself a suped up Fungoid shaman and a madcap (the...
Hello and welcome, plenty of friendly faces around here to help settle you in
There you go, a clearer pic for you :) (his pet squig is having a snack) [ATTACH]
:D thank you, I have to admit the basic pose for the trog is pretty good - kinda slumped over with a heavy old maul, but I do like to be different...
Cheers, couldn’t let the poor lil’fella stay squished ! (Note: I even used the squish as snot for the trogg lol) ‘Not sure on my choice in squig...
TroggBoss for your viewing pleasure. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Trogg boss done! [ATTACH]
Lol swear to god I’ve gone that and it looks like a 5 yr old has discovered paint for the first time ;D