I mean anything can be done. It will take effort though
I'm mad at the same time I'm happy because this is the first army I've seen that I don't think I'm going to have to do any green stuff work in...
*clears throat* [ATTACH]
Well not disco boots thats for sure lol..dammit those things ruin the modes for me
Honesty i wpuld just be happy if the hate groups would just be labelle as domestic terrorist. Because that is what they do they terrorised and...
God i wish hate speech ad racism was a crime in the usa...the kkk/alt right or what ever name they try to go by are simply domestic terrorists but...
To me they look less so. They dont have those STUPID looking boots, really if the SM had realistically sized feet i might want to biy them...
[ATTACH] Im tripping out right now
[ATTACH] Ahahaha
On a different note i have issues with sc and do feel they should have been humans blessed with power not the living lightning they are...but some...