Inspired in part by @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl and by my own ideas that have been forming for a while, I have decided to share my own custom AoS...
To be honest it was more Germany attacking Russia that screwed things up for the Axis - attacking a huge enemy in the middle of winter who may...
I don’t think it means your general has to be Saurus, only that if it is, it must use that command trait and if it isn’t, you don’t get the...
What with the release of the new Battletome and everything, I decided to revisit my Battle Simulator with all the new Warscrolls along with the...
Welcome aboard!
He looks awesome!
I have two boxes of Saurus Guard, and there were 41 spare heads in my bits box, so I think you can expect 20-21 spare heads per box. That kit has...