Welcome aboard! Is that a Transformers inspired name I spy?
*ahem* [ATTACH]
It’s once again time for one of @ravagekitteh ’s immensely long winded arguments. Yay! :D I was looking at this again today and it got me...
https://www.starwars.com/news/the-lego-star-wars-holiday-special-disney-plus-announce :D
I love how this is a major issue for us in a universe where magic space monks with laser swords move objects with their mind! :p
Welcome aboard!
I think this might be what you are referring to: https://www.lego.com/en-gb/campaigns/technic/bugatti-chiron/build-for-real
You can rent it out for parties and stuff - it was a friend’s birthday
I’ve actually stayed there before! I believe one of the other Solent forts - No Man’s Land - is up for sale if anyone has a few million to spare! :p
It’s about time we found something we agreed on! Go on then, one more... [MEDIA]
The soundtracks to all five Transformers films are absolutely incredible - well worth checking out (1, 2 and 5 are all on Spotify if you have...
That’s not out until Thursday - you’re ahead of the curve there!