For the sake of simplicity I’d say to base your judgements off the current canon - broadly speaking I’d say so far it’s been managed well enough...
Luke is indeed Force Sensitive, but beyond that I would only put him at being a strong but not amazing pilot, so while it elevates him I wouldn’t...
Partly in the interest of starting a friendly discussion and partly because I just felt like it, I decided to rank what I would say are the top...
RIP Ennio Morricone - you will be missed :( [MEDIA]
For all you fitness fans out there...
And said fluid is known as castoreum and is used as vanilla flavouring In food!
To give some more detail to my picks: 1. Kit Fisto’s always been my favourite Jedi; it’s a combination of his cool design, personality and...
Of course - why on earth would we be able to recognise the flagship of the military leader of the faction we’re currently at war with, what with...
Welcome aboard!
1. Kit Fisto 2. Embo (+Marrok) 3. Rex 4. Ahsoka Tano 5. Thrawn 6. Maul 7. Obi-Wan Kenobi 8. Doctor Aphra 9. 0-0-0 10. BT-1 Honourable Mentions:...
If you want a good episode for a taster try S2E5 - Landing at Point Rain. I will now try to avoid continuing to derail this thread! :D
No worries - that comment wasn’t aimed at anyone anyway!
*whispers ethereally into subconscious* watch The Clooooone Wars... Also we seem to have forgotten that there’s a far better thread to continue...
You are indeed correct - my lack of giving a gender is more to do with the fact it should have f*** all bearing on anything anyway rather than...
Both the concept art for Arkham Knight and the game itself is amazing (assuming I’ve correctly judged where the artwork is from!)
I’ve seen it... It’s bad. Like, really bad. It was just utterly awful, and not even in a “so bad it’s good” sense. Say what you will about...
To give a clearer brief, you are a character on a new Star Wars tv show in which you fly around in a Millennium Falcon equivalent and go on...
[ATTACH] Ahsoka, Rex, Obi-wan, Chewie and R2 for me!
16, possibly 18 depending on your definition of No. 6 and No. 16. Bask in the glory of my squareness!