Warscrolls are now finished. All comments welcome
Just changed it now, thanks! :)
I’ve almost completed the Warscrolls for all the units in the army now, and made good headway on Allegiance Abilities, so I think I’m now ready...
That’s fair enough. To be honest, The Curse and My Will Be Done aren’t really so bad, and if Settra is meant to be at the same level as Archaon or...
I like what I’m seeing so far! However, Unmatched Discipline, The Curse, the Command Abilities and just about everything about Settra strikes me...
My first full warscrolls are now up, along with a lot more other abilities. Any comments on the rules so far would be greatly appreciated! I was...
That’s a cool ability, but I assume you’re aware that rounding down would mean it’s impossible for damage 1 weapons to damage Constructs?
It could also provide a use for Saurus Guard. Getting 10+ models of Warriors or Skinks all within 1” would be tough, but I think a unit of 5 Guard...
This may have already been touched upon, but has anyone considered using a Bound Suffocating Gravetide as a piece of mobile cover to advance a...
According to the Battletome: “After territories have been chosen but before armies have been set up, you can set up the Skull Altar for your army....
Looking good so far! My only suggestion is that you place the part about Settra’s return in the lore section, as if you’re going to do what I do...
Honestly they’ll probably be more like some of the Slaves to Darkness models with a very tribal feel, but with an emphasis more on furs and hides...
Just a quick note but in terms of the various markings/fonts etc, bold dictates keywords, italics is for the lore blurb, [square brackets] is...
Welcome aboard!
Sisters of the Talon: [ATTACH] Sisters of the Fang: [ATTACH] Sisters of the Claw: [ATTACH] Others: Sisters of the Horn: [ATTACH] Sisters...
Units: Heroes: Solar Priestess: [ATTACH] Solar Priestess on Bastiladon Ancient: [ATTACH] Sister of the Hunt: [ATTACH] Lunar Priestess:...
Allegiance Abilities: Battle Traits: [Battle Trait 1]: Adherents of Starlight units may retreat without suffering the usual penalties for doing...