You can never have too many snakes!! ;)
Coming along nicely ;)
You won't get away with models that are not GW if you intend to play at a GW store/tournament. Friendly games and independent stores should be...
I've not seen it yet but it is one I really do want to see, Joaquin Phoenix is a very under rated actor and his performances in Gladiator and The...
Welcome aboard, if you have been lurking for months you know what we are all about, if you want painting help or tips get a blog started in the...
Wow it's been a while! Right just to keep you guys informed with whats going on. I've sold everything I have that's painted and I am no longer...
I will ;)
Always start small and work on one technique at a time, for your first model practice drybrushing then as you become confident and adept at that...
It's easier than it looks ;)
Well I've done bugger all for months now, weather is getting cold so I might hopefully get something done this month.
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - October 2019 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects...
Once you get that blog started, post your ideas we have a wealth of knowledge and I'm sure we can help you decide.
I had to vote other as you have not covered anything I listen too.
About bloody time! Looks fantastic as usual. ;)
They will still be here.
Looks a bit comical for me.
I still have mine that I am looking to sell
They are eating different bars one is bigger than the other.
They all are but I wanted to sell them as a job lot, I paid £100 for them so all I want is £100 + p&p