Nearly finished 5 but rest are no further on.
Me too, didn't have time over the weekend trying to finish off our garden.,
It's time atm, just so busy I'm clearing out alot of stuff that might actually help me get motivated again.
Nothing not a bit done, motivation and desire is low atm.
Games Workshop paints are made in the UK by a company called HMG paints, they are standard acrylic paints, Lahmian medium is Acrylic medium one of...
I will get a list done this week, there is alot of stuff!!!!
Well you have all probably noticed that I've not been on much over the past couple of months. Life is very busy for me at the moment and I can't...
Welcome aboard, love the old sculpts
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - June 2019 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that...
Nothing stopping you starting the thread ;)
@Vedras For the grey I used the following, Base: Celestra grey Shade: Drakenhof Nightshade Layer: Ulthuan grey Edge: White scar
Totally forgot! Will sort it tonight :oops:
Not bad, get some paint on them now. ;)
Where they meet you could use another colour in a pattern to break up the line, maybe adding stripes. Yellow maybe or red? Another way is too...
Nice scheme and not to far away from Tlazcotlās Gaze your just using orange instead of purple and yellow. I have the colours wrote down I used...
@Dan32234234234324 Now that is a good idea and in the interest of the community I will give this a sticky so we can all access it easily.
Welcome aboard always nice to get a new member If you need any painting tips or advice be sure to post in the painting forum.
I did a tutorial on that as well.
oohh very nice ;)
I didn't want to like your post, I think it's a natural thing life changes as do your priorities, I left the hobby for 20 odd years, just don't...