I have had pretty great results with Dwarven, Wood Elf, and IIRC also High Elves garrisons actually. Probably it is the good ranged stuff that...
Terradon Riders (preferably with Bolas but they can do without) pull their weight for me, except against armies with a lot of shooting since they...
That's a nice technique, thank you for the tutorial!
Man that was a campaign! It took me 120 turns to finally kill the Greenskins. After that I fought the Skaven and Hag Graef. After 166 turns I had...
Thank you for your thoughts on my story so far! Originally the chapter with the flashback scenes would not have existed. It was merely a single...
Sadly I am not very good at this game, so every stack leaves me with a crippled army and all money goes into rebuilding it before the next stack....
I indeed startet a Thorek campaign. If you play Mortal Empires you start down in the south near Kroq-gar and the Tomb Kings. You can also play on...
I just finished my Khazrak campaign (long) in turn 180. That was fun! Next up: Dwarves I think. Have never played them.
Agree, the first one does look a bit "unnatural" with the bright recesses, but cool.
That describes pretty much every webcomic that I know... :D
Jorgik! Glad to see you, it has been some time! I think your tip is spot on. The speckling was my main problem as well. Playing around with the...
Sounds good to me!
Hmmm... won't those tusks be enormously annoying for a snake? It's not like one could slither around easily with them.
Could still be an Ogre or Giant, but mutated or something. But I think it could be Chaos spawn as well.
Painting! That way you remove stuff from the painting table because it is fully done, instead of adding to the unpainted models heap.
Painted a few eyes and Skink crests today. @Lizards of Renown I took a few pics of my bows: This is my strongest one, a traditional d-shaped...
Good thread! There are some nice museums with dinosaurs in Germany, too. Some of them not far away from where I live. I plan to visit them with my...
Ok as promised here are some thoughts I have about the stories: 1. A question of profit I admit that I am not a huge fan of the diary style, but...