It is not unheard of. Cheetahs are not _that_ aggressive compared to other large cats. A German guy called Matto Barfuss also does that kind of...
Still chipping away at my backlog. Currently painting some objective markers and preparing my Blood Bowl team for priming.
That troggy looks superb already!
Good job!
That's a pretty epic result!
That Slann is very nice! Frogs are cool because they have so many different colors to choose from.
This is going to be good.
Reminds me of a SciFi story which I once read, in which one of the most offensive curse words of a lizard species is "egg salad".
IMO the draconic etymology sounds cooler.
Great work!
I am in between. :) I somewhat like the infantry, somewhat dislike the Scorchwings, and really like the cavalry!
Some D&D books have that as well, (In the current edition Tasha's Cauldron and Volos Guide to Monsters as well as Xanathar's Guide have it) and...
If you want it to look like earth then the smallest grained sand is usually the best. If you want it to look like desert sand then real sand is...
My honest answer is: I like their models and books and in most cases they are worth their price for me. I have some from Mantic and Reaper but...
Fun fact: that was the case in real life! It was quite a business to gather, process and distribute feces of both animals and humans in the...
That looks great! Are those highlights on the feathers drybrushed?
Ooohhh I really like those! They fit the world quite well.
Indeed, those lava bases are a nice touch. Great work!
Yes, as far as I know. I doubt that metallic colors would work with that kind of color.
Both are pretty good (I like the blue one a bit more) but yeah, a factor of four... even if you clean up some details on the contrast one it will...