That's a great first model, congratulations!
150 or so are dead unfortunately. But the situation is under control and we are working on it, together with our neighbors (Belgium, Luxembourg,...
Perfect for me. I enjoy underdog armies (also enjoyed that when I started playing Seraphon. Everyone was like "lol Lizardboys suck" and then lost...
Doesn't fishing line have the problem that it is very smooth and thus is hard to paint?
It sounds reasonable but we are talking about GW so... who knows? :D
I wish we would know whether Beastmen will be playable in TOW. I might paint some and magnetize their bases so I can use them in both systems....
Thread and a tiny drop of super glue should make it pretty stable. I used sisal fibre on my Kurnoth Hunter but I am not sure how durable that is....
Turn 120 with the Beastmen now, and still having fun. The humans make this almost too easy, fighting Chaos and each other instead of me.
Hey y'all! I am playing with the idea of starting a small Beasts of Chaos army in AoS and I would like to ask a few general questions about list...
Nice work! The bow needs a bowstring though.
Hard to tell. The past tells us a few things here: - there are different types of players. Not all systems/worlds of lore appeal to everyone -...
Being an archer myself I wasn't quite happy with the Kurnoth Hunter's bow, there was just something missing. I added a bowstring made out...
I dig the purple. Really an eye catcher.
Welcome to Lustria!
Nice job!
Not about painting but today I learned that my local GW store closed some time ago. I feel sad, especially for the guys that spent a lot of time...
Welcome! In AoS the Troggy can be somewhat nice but by no means a must-include.
Fine work on all of them! Yellow is hard to pull off, would you share the recipe for the troll skin with us?
Quoting myself because I forgot something: I just remembered that in addition to that I have done the same but with two additional steps, which...
Yes. The hard part was to be precise enough so the arms still meet at the weapons in the angle they should. The material on the shoulders isn't...