I'm not that familiar with the Tomb Kings miniatures, so I did a quick image search. Despite slightly duplicating the look of some other models in...
That's where I put my 1mm neodymium magnets.
Of course he's not happy... (in a gravely voice) He's Batman...err...Batdog.
Congratulations, @Scalenex!
Right? Ha ha!
I hadn't heard that. That is typically a bad sign...ugh!
I agree that it's a cool looking trailer. At the risk of sounding repetitive, my main question/concern is why live action? Other than the attempt...
What's the difference?
17th November, not October. ;)
Getting a bit racy, recently :p;)
Although it does look a bit advanced, I guess it could be a Cities of Sigmar unit or a War Cary/Underworld model.
Oooh... some nice ones on here. Gotta love that Viking Prayer and the Prayer to Crom.
[IMG] Only Star Wars fans will see it. ;)
Thanks. I wonder if my list feels a little "lightweight" in that, it generally includes more contemporary movies and not more "classic" movie...
Indeed. Although, that Green Knight is a favorite as well. A beautiful model.
Yeah, I think it goes something like that.
Standard boiler plate: Top ten? These are speeches/monologues that I really enjoy at any rate. They're movies that jumped to my mind as I sit at...
Have any of you guys ever heard of Star Trek Continues? It looks surprisingly well done with VERY accurate effects, lighting, and sets. It looks...
Excited that, after watching the series multiple times, I have gotten my wife interested in AtLA. :D
Hahahahaha! That's great.