You could just try a reinforced unit of Chargers for the same price. You might be able to get in more minis/attacks to cripple the opposing unit,...
Could some part of it be "after market" dealers who buy up datacards/books/minis to resell on their online store or on eBay. To that point,...
Hi kids! Just remember that resistance is futile.
Touché. Good points. I often think about that with Starborne, but forget to mention it. I agree that it's the combo of summoning and teleporting...
Vengeful Defender is a decent Command Trait on a Carno. In one of my games, it made him much more durable. I do wish the trait just gave him a 3+...
I might be off base, but I think GW is reluctant to give Seraphon a powerful melee Carno (on the same level as the VLoZD) due to our strong...
270 pts would have been fine :p
Yeah, +15 pts is tough on a unit we really need, but that's why GW did it. I will say, this is similar to the Salamander point increases with our...
All fair points.
+15? Ouch!
Updated AtLA List 1. Uncle Iroh 2. Zuko 3. Aang 4. Sokka 5. Azula 6. Toph 7. Katara 8. Appa 9. Fire Lord Ozai 10. TBD In re-watching the series,...
The sawtooth blade makes me think 40K.
Overall, I think I agree with your list. However, based on what I remember about the show, it's tough to say who is #1 of the three Avatars. Do...
Oh, I picked up on your enthusiasm. ;) You just didn't elaborate at that time, and I wanted to get your take. "Baby Magmadroths" or Kyndledroth...
I know we were complaining about Fyreslayers previously, but I disagree. I think these models are pretty individual... especially for FS. They...
I'm almost surprised that Futurama hasn't done this, yet. ;)
Sorry, yes, Ironjawz are now a part of Orruk Warclans. They are the models typically painted in yellow & black armor. Obviously, I find the KO...
Absolutely! Even this week. Ha ha ha.
I think Ironjawz feel very one tone, but they are more popular. That could be due to them basically being the Ork proxy in AoS or just that their...
I'm really loving the classic Star Wars art posted recently.