In kind of the same way as Obi-wan in his D+ show. They both slice open one side of Vader's mask so you can see his face and hear his partially...
I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse, but I think the box is fine. Is it incredible? Are any of the Starter Boxes supposed to be? But it's...
Just thinking about it, I believe that GW is in a decent spot... for themselves. They sell mostly great-looking plastic models (sometimes resin)...
Yes, I am Data trying to decode this string of words.
There were several good models submitted.
Good one! If you haven't seen the Magnum PI opening replaced with Star Wars characters it's totally worth it.
I guess we have to consider that the Seraphon Vanguard Box is technically to help people start an army. Obviously, most group boxes won't help...
To that point, can Seraphon still maintain endless spells anywhere on the board, or do we have to follow the regular rules now?
These units do have some synergy in a Coalesced army, KC specifically. It's very similar to our previous box, as you pointed out. 10 Warriors and...
Okay. I have to give kudos to the cool OPR/Lost Kingdom combo and great paint job.
Okay. That is a COOL looking unit! However, I don't think those are GW minis, correct?
Yes, we've talked a couple times about the fact that Fyreslayers seem to have been forgotten. I agree that they could use a little model love.
I agree that it feels "undead" and likely something for FEC. Do you not like that faction?
This does sound interesting. I know you don't play AoS @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, but I wonder if this should filter into AoS. It would change an...
Oh. Titan-Forge adds RPG character minis to each of their releases. They typically connect to the theme in some way, but aren't part of the actual...
A little something for @NIGHTBRINGER [IMG]
This is one of the niggling issues I have with the PT. Specifically, I feel like each of those characters were cast too young (despite how much I...
Arcane Vassal has worked like it did previously for a pretty long while. It seems like if GW was going to change it, that should have been in the...
[IMG] If this isn't on your tailgate, you don't drive a real truck.
Thank you, again!