The index for Lizzies is out! First impressions. Skink skirmishers got STRONGER, skirmishier formation is now fully free and javelin skirmishers...
I honestly find it weirdest that Vampire Counts are not a main faction. They are literally inside the Empire, where the whole Old World revolves...
Old grumbling intensifies ;)
I am actually very much doubting Wood elves or Warriors of Chaos. Wood elves very much have the skirmishing bullshit playstyle of shooting and...
It definitely is pretty bad. I mean, no tournament play is not that relevant for people, but no support is very annoying.
I did already wanted to start a new army for The Old World, i mean, if they make something good you gotta support it right, but i first wanted to...
For me personally, no tournament support is rough. I am a comp player at heart, would have loved to flex those Slann magic phase control knuckles...
Other interesting article from Goonhammer. Their articles are usually great for people who do not know them, so them saying this about the game i...
Well this is very sad. No tournament play support, nor expected support in the future for Legacy Factions, ergo Lizardmen. The game looks really...
In most cases you can hide a scarvet from artillery though. I would just run him solo, force him to attack you. What is the usecase for Fire...