So,, at the end of the day, they did it right?! This feels like a faithful update to 8th, i kinda love TOW right now.
Looks pretty decent! I think i would put Scouts on a 10 man unit of Skinks to be able to drop them easier, but that is a small thing. Do note...
I do like the idea of taking the second magic weapon. An oldblood is a lot more expensive than a scarvet though, and effectively you lose a point...
I agree, but raw you def have it, and rai you can also imagine the chief handing out poison to the boys. It ain't that much of a stretch, but we...
I personally really like the 2+d3 stomps the Steg has, it really outshines the carno there.
Id rather say multi steg is the way to go, but multi carno is also interesting. I guess i kinda dislike a carno without Dragon Slayer Sword, the...
I guess here is the place to make that happen XD
The 18 inches is not a real benefit though, as else you will have other large targets being BSB's and Generals, so it should be left out of the...
I think he means Lore Familiar and not Arcane Familiar, also as Lore Familiar is 30 points, Arcane is 15.
5000, dear lord, got a time to go then.
I AM FINALLY NOT A TROGLODON ANYMORE! :). You are a Slann at 1000 messages right? Gottagethere.
Arcane Familiar is better than Cupped Hands i would say yes for sure, as being sure to get Fiery Convocation if you want it against blobs of...
I know he is almost impossible to catch. The point is that a normal lvl 4 is 180 points, he starts at 285. You would never buy a 100 point upgrade...
I have 1 carno already to hunt enemy behemoths? I think the spear is ok as well, but with poison the extra attack is pretty nice. You pick the...
I think generally you just take.. no magic items on a Skink Priest. I only like Skink Priests on Stegs, and then i would go for Battle Magic...
Nah definitely not. It is meta dependent, but i am currently in the firm camp that in 2K games, an army without Monster Slayer is a bad army, so...
You also have an 58% chance to cast due to how 2d6 dice work out, which is pretty ok. The real problem is enemy dispels, which makes it quite...
I think it is just ok in a heavy Saurus build. Going to I2 is nice so you get to hit before Great Weapons in prolonged combats and stomps as well....
++ Characters [995 pts] ++ Skink Chief [318 pts] (Additional hand weapon, Light armour (Calloused hide), Battle Standard Bearer, Stegadon,...
They still die hard even to normal missile fire. Their damage output is undercosted but i would say that them being T4 with only one wound and a...