Thanks! I´m also really happy with how they turned out! And so were the people at the birthday. Every one seemed to ask who painted the guards and...
then I don´t know :confused:
you can always use the mourfang brown spray. They advertise it as being both primer and basecoat, but I haven't tried it on actual grey models
I wouldn't´t get recasts willingly unless the model is out of production. I know that even if I saved some money I wouldn't´t feel satisfied,...
This is what GW actually answered
And also SC! slaneesh! Which is a very good sign!
So, I´ve finally completely finished my temple guards! [ATTACH] Forgive the poor picture quality. I usually take pictures with my phone but I...
Awesome colour schemes! I specially like your yellow skinks!
Really cool conversion (Scratch build?)! It turned out great!
So I get to make an arena... interesting I guess warden you meant a fighting arena... I don´t think I´ll be able to make it tyranid themed, so...
... when whenever your parents tell you you will all go on a family trip and you think about it as a waste of hobby time Has happened to me way...
The best part of mordheim in my opinion is the campaigns, so if you´re able to play them, do so because that´ll add another dimension to the game...
you can always play with just built models, if you don´t mind. but the thing is that then you´ll end up with a mass of grey to paint, and if you...
They look great!
Sometimes independent retailers sell GW´s products for less money. If you look around your city you might well find something. Also, in Christmas...
They look excellent! Can´t wait to see more!
I like you classic death guard paintjob! I don´t understand why did GW paint them green and then called them death guard, if death guard is mainly...
Exactly! I have not been long in this hobby (just 7 years in fact), so I´d say I can´t make the kind of statements of "GW has been doing ... for...
Love the snake! It adds such an awesome effect!
Despite the fact that this is also most annoying to me, it doesn´t make much sense to hate only 8th ed for this. You should hate wh 40k in general...