Can I actually change my challenge and instead of painting space marines finish the temple guard unit I´m working on? I´m not really liking the...
And harder to freehand... not sure what´s better about painting skulls :confused:
That´s exactly what I had in mind to do. Just say they took the armor and put it on normal marines. But then again my chaper also considers the...
I have heard that if you apply liquid super glue to paper and let it dry it will harden. I´ve never done it myself, so try it out on a separate...
They look really good! Maybe paint the symbol smaller? It looks great but as you said it is slightly confusing
Awesome work! Just one thing, I´d add something to represent rope at the top of the fire place so the sticks are actually held and not resting...
Awesome work! They look fantastic!
Thanks! I sure will if I come across anything. One question already :)p): have you ever magnetized your tyranids? I have thought that it could...
So... It´s been more than a week, but I´m finally back with a wall of text! Yay! :bookworm: No pictures this time, just a loooot of rambling, just...
The best way would be using a transport case, such as the ones GW sell (There are other brands but I haven´t tried them). The problem is that...
I don´t know a lot about 3D printers, but I know that if you want them for model printing then you´ll need a really good one. I´ve seen a 800€...
Nice! I´d only suggest linking to the actual post, and not to the top of the page (you can get the link for each post clicking on the small number...
I think they´d benefit from a light dry brush on the skin, some blood splashes and some shading on the metal. Otherwise, they look excellent!
THAT ONLY TOOK YOU ONE HOUR!?!?! :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed::wideyed::wideyed:
Well I have never painted T´au, but a general rule of thumb is to practice first on a model. Also, if you´re going to paint them white, prime them...
I think they´d benefit from a heavier wash. Contrast is too subtle now imo ;)
Pretty well painted! Good job!
I couldn't´t agree more. I really dislike the new dread, and the tank too. I think I´ll just stick with Forge world´s dreads, which are absolutely...
They look nice, but if you don´t like them don´t start an army using that colour scheme. If you are unhappy about a single model, imagine the...
For painting fur the fastest and pretty good-looking is drybrushing. I you want a "cleaner" look to the model though, then go for edge highlighting :)