:wideyed:X10^of a million
I didn´t mean to say they won´t sell, nor that they are ugly and thus nobody will buy them (I will probably buy them myself :p) but rather that...
Love your colour scheme!
I don´t think this will actually happen. I´ve heard lots of SM players very annoyed at seeing how their 10-year old (or even older) SM collection...
Movement tray ;)
I´m still making decisions about my chapter... :joyful::joyful:. Maybe I change my challenge to "finishing designing the chapter" :joyful:
I totally agree, GW´s verminlord is just ugly IMO. FW´s looks far better.
Love your ripperdactyl scheme!
I have yet to find out the difference between priming with black or white when you apply a solid coat of paint. I guess older paints (like those...
Officially confirmed by GW:...
Awesome stuff! Really like the native trap! Such a great idea!
One of the coming new mordheim boxset´s warbands is going to be tomb kings
There were scythes, and then there is that :joyful: Awesome work!
I guess the resin you mean is finest, and no. You need to wash them with dishwasher detergent to remove the oily agent used to remove the casts...
Love the cold one´s colour!
Are you starting a pre-heresy army of the imperium (ultramarines in particular)?
I don´t know if that´d be beneficial on the battlefield... :joyful:
Love the saurus and skink! They look excellent!
Green Stuff World
I need to make more. 3 is not enough for a forest :confused: :joyful::joyful: And thanks! :)