Awesome dagger on your pink horror! Well done!
I bet snipers will have a special rule to ignore this rule. If not they´ll be tremendously useless, or at least, it wouldn't´t make sense
I´m happy I got mine in time! I don´t think I´d feel happy with the GW´s version after having been delighted by those!
Awesome stuff! Specially love the musician with his (its?) flute and the snakes!
Love your fire colour! Makes it look magical!
Oh yes, now that I look at it the helmet and shoulder pads are Mk VI, but the backpack and legs must be some other armor, because there weren't´t...
He´s wearing Mk II armor right?
Yeah house paints are the go-to for scenery, model paints will just get very expensive very fast
Every time I log on this thread has gained two pages. This is insane :joyful:
Awesome stuff! May I ask what colour did you use to paint the earth, specially on the wooden barricade? it just looks the exact colour of dirt!...
Normal B-day usage of time.. And happy late spawnday!
I can see though a chase action of some kind, so that if you´re baited to charge and then the bait unit falls back you can attempt to chase it,...
I think i´ll have to drop the fight, won´t be able to put up with this much longer... Oh nevermind I´m winning now
You could just paint the shields the same colour as the skin with a finishing agrax earthshade wash to tone it down
Taking the lead again... :p
It´s more like the spit/tongue won´t survive long. I didn´t even finish painting mine before it was broken (and I didn´t use it for game play...
And the winner is...
I just see one problem with assault, and that´s the draw back rule. Armies that rely on shooting will just be able to bait the enemy into...
Awesome back story! And lovely model!
Taking the first place again! Unless that is the case :(