First playthrough finnished, after some 200 turns. It was a rough fight against, both High elves and their Intervention armies, the dark elves...
What do mean exactly? Because Grymloq is way too good to leave him on foot? Because you can always select not to have Grymloq in battle, even...
Lothern has been taken by the lizzies. Together with a good deal of the west southern coastlines of Ulthuan. The Elves Ritual was stopped after...
Campaign updates: The elves of Lothern, are well on their way to finishing their last ritual. Luckily for the cold-blooded, they are also in all...
I reckon you're right in your assessment on the matter of choices in the army. Even though a lot of people would love to see the salamander, the...
I would imagine most of the unique units would make it into the game. The exception being the swarms. Since there is no such unit in any other...
It'll be fun to see how they play I'm the game. So far i really like the mechanic and play styles if the lizardmen, so I don't think I'll be...
Just to ellaborate on what I wrote in the parenthesis, since this thread has gone in to a tomb king phase any way ;) Currently the undead lands...
After all the undead of the land of dead (pretty obvious, BTW that these guys are simply stand ins for Tomb kings until they'll be released) has...
The Lotern high elves are ahead of me in the vortex race, so I'll have to take them out eventually :P
I have to say, I really enjoy the vortex mechanic, at least so far. The way it changes the generic dynamic of the campaigns is quite refreshing....
[ATTACH] Foolish undead, basically what I'm doing while waiting for the ritual, is getting ride of those pesky vampires...
[ATTACH] Lord Kroq-Gar at the shores of Ulthaun
For some reason I can't do screen shots, something I have a tempted multiple times. I'll figure it out eventually, don't worry As far as I can...
100 Turn in and I've been doing two of the rituals so far. Got my self a Slann whom defender the last of them against three hordes of Chaos...
Wish you luck, currently I'm in charge of the kid, so I won't be playing much more today :P
Yep :P
How irritating, hope you can get it working. So far I've played for 20 something turns and it's quite fun :) not a lot happens in my campaign,...
So I thought I might as well start a new thread based on campaigns people are currently running, now the game is out and all ;) Basically I would...
Of course, along side heaps on heaps of dead rats :P