I rather like the idea of joining De vencĂ like tech with fantasy armies of late medieval. Flying men with handguns seems pretty, fluff wise, fun....
"Don't blame me, I voted for Kroak!"
Dogs of war is a pretty neat addition :D
For some reason I can accept the premises better with this in mind than the chaos explanation :P Is it me or does chaos warping become bit too...
Yeah I knew that it was pretty big, I just assume they would make it slightly more "realistic" in size :p I guess it'll be fun to see how much the...
Oh so they are making their mammoth unreasonably large :) Unfortunately the thunder lizard were never a model, else we could have had a proper...
I love that they brought back the colosal mammoth, it's like an arctic version og the stegadon. Going to be fun to put those beasts up against...
Femir and Norscan, seems like the enemies of the old ones are all lining up... for a massive beating that is! ;)
That sounds like a pretty fun idea to play around with. I never bother much about half breeding in my campaigns, generally because I tend to write...
Fantasy breeding can be very, well, unique :P I like the idea of enter breeding being a result of the species actual being several distinct...
It was the go to system for Mr and my friends as well. I haven't played it for a long time now, I'm switching much more between systems in these...
Executioners and their weird helmet doesn't really seem elven to me. I much prefer the older designs :)
Well some of us posts on phone devices, spelling errors are inevitable... also I tend to forget to look through my posts :P
Maybe it's just because I'm not really a dark elves fan, but they didn't really mannish to excite me with this trailer. Sure Malakith seems evil...
It's never too late to revive an old thread ;)
Going to be exciting go what they've got in store for the dark elves :)
After the failure that was green lantern I reckon WB would be very careful about rebooting the franchise just yet. However lantern is such a cool...
I hear a lot of people are not particularly enjoying the real look of dinosaurs, but when it comes to real life scientific research and teaching I...
Another cool dinosaur ;)
Britonia was also my first fully playthrough, I did try to start a tutorial campaign with dwarves on easy, but I got bored after a while and never...